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FileManagerDetailsViewImages Members

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Contains settings that define images displayed within an ASPxFileManager’s elements in details view.

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Name Description
CellError Gets the settings of an error image displayed in a data cell. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuClearFilter Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuClearFilterDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuClearFilter property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuClearGrouping Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuClearGroupingDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuClearGrouping property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuClearSorting Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuClearSortingDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuClearSorting property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuCollapseDetailRow Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuCollapseDetailRowDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuCollapseDetailRow property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuCollapseRow Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuCollapseRowDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuCollapseRow property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuCopy Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuDeleteRow Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuDeleteRowDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuDeleteRow property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuEditRow Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuEditRowDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuEditRow property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuExpandDetailRow Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuExpandDetailRowDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuExpandDetailRow property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuExpandRow Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuExpandRowDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuExpandRow property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuFullCollapse Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuFullCollapseDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuFullCollapse property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuFullExpand Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuFullExpandDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuFullExpand property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuGroupByColumn Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuGroupByColumnDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuGroupByColumn property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuHideColumn Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuHideColumnDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuHideColumn property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuNewRow Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuNewRowDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuNewRow property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuPaste Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuRefresh Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuRefreshDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuRefresh property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowColumn Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowColumnDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuShowColumn property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowCustomizationDialog Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowCustomizationWindow Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowCustomizationWindowDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuShowCustomizationWindow property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowFilterEditor Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowFilterEditorDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuShowFilterEditor property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowFilterRow Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowFilterRowDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuShowFilterRow property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowFilterRowMenu Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowFilterRowMenuDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuShowFilterRowMenu property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowFooter Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowFooterDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuShowFooter property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowGroupPanel Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowGroupPanelDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuShowGroupPanel property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowSearchPanel Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuShowSearchPanelDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuShowSearchPanel property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSortAscending Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSortAscendingDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuSortAscending property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSortDescending Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSortDescendingDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuSortDescending property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSummaryAverage Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSummaryAverageDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuSummaryAverage property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSummaryCount Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSummaryCountDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuSummaryCount property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSummaryMax Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSummaryMaxDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuSummaryMax property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSummaryMin Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSummaryMinDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuSummaryMin property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSummaryNone Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSummaryNoneDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuSummaryNone property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSummarySum Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuSummarySumDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuSummarySum property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuUngroupColumn Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the context menu. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ContextMenuUngroupColumnDisabled Obsolete. This property is obsolete (use the ContextMenuUngroupColumn property instead). Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogApply Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogClearFilter Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogClose Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogColumnDrag Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogColumnGroup Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogColumnHide Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogColumnRemove Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogColumnShow Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogColumnSort Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogColumnSortDown Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogColumnSortUp Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogColumnUngroup Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogColumnUnsort Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogDragAreaCollapse Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogDragAreaExpand Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogFilterCollapse Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationDialogFilterExpand Gets the image for the corresponding visual element in the Customization Dialog. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationWindowCollapse Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Customization Window‘s collapse button. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationWindowFooter Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Customization Window‘s footer. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationWindowHeader Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Customization Window‘s header. Inherited from GridViewImages.
CustomizationWindowPin Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Customization Window‘s pin button. Inherited from GridViewImages.
DragAndDropArrowDown Gets the settings of an image displayed at the column header’s top when it is dragged by an end-user. Inherited from GridViewImages.
DragAndDropArrowLeft Gets the settings of an image displayed at the available column header’s right position, when the column is dragged by an end-user. Inherited from GridViewImages.
DragAndDropArrowRight Gets the settings of an image displayed at the available column header’s left position, when the column is dragged by an end-user. Inherited from GridViewImages.
DragAndDropArrowUp Gets the settings of an image displayed at the column header’s bottom when it is dragged by an end-user. Inherited from GridViewImages.
DragAndDropColumnHide Gets the settings of an image displayed below the column header’s when it is dragged to the Customization Window by an end-user. Inherited from GridViewImages.
FilterBuilderHeader Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Filter Builder‘s header. Inherited from GridViewImages.
FilterBuilderMaximize Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Filter Builder‘s maximize button. Inherited from GridViewImages.
HeaderActiveFilter Gets the settings of an image displayed within filter buttons displayed within columns that are involved in filtering. Inherited from GridViewImages.
HeaderFilter Gets the settings of an image displayed within filter buttons Inherited from GridViewImages.
HeaderFilterClose Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Header Filter‘s close button. Inherited from GridViewImages.
HeaderFilterCollapse Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Header Filter‘s collapse button. Inherited from GridViewImages.
HeaderFilterHeader Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Header Filter‘s header. Inherited from GridViewImages.
HeaderSortDown Gets the settings of an image displayed within a column’s header when the column is sorted in descending order. Inherited from GridViewImages.
HeaderSortUp Gets the settings of an image displayed within a column’s header when the column is sorted in ascending order. Inherited from GridViewImages.
HideAdaptiveDetailButton Gets the settings of an image displayed within a Hide Adaptive Detail button. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ImageFolder Gets or sets the path to the folder that contains images used by a control. Inherited from ImagesBase.
PopupEditFormWindowCollapse Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Popup Edit Form‘s collapse button. Inherited from GridViewImages.
PopupEditFormWindowFooter Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Popup Edit Form‘s footer. Inherited from GridViewImages.
PopupEditFormWindowHeader Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Popup Edit Form‘s header. Inherited from GridViewImages.
PopupEditFormWindowMaximize Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Popup Edit Form‘s maximize button. Inherited from GridViewImages.
PopupEditFormWindowPin Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Popup Edit Form‘s pin button. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ShowAdaptiveDetailButton Gets the settings of an image displayed within a Show Adaptive Detail button. Inherited from GridViewImages.
SpriteCssFilePath Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the control’s sprite image settings. Inherited from ImagesBase.
SpriteImageUrl Gets or sets the path to a sprite image. Inherited from ImagesBase.
ToolbarClearGrouping Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Clear Grouping toolbar item. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ToolbarCollapseDetailRow Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Collapse Detail toolbar item. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ToolbarCollapseRow Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Collapse toolbar item. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ToolbarExpandDetailRow Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Expand Detail toolbar item. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ToolbarExpandRow Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Expand toolbar item. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ToolbarFullCollapse Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Collapse All toolbar item. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ToolbarFullExpand Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Expand All toolbar item. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ToolbarShowCustomizationDialog Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Show Customization Dialog toolbar item. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ToolbarShowCustomizationWindow Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Column Chooser toolbar item. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ToolbarShowFilterRow Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Filter Row toolbar item. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ToolbarShowFilterRowMenu Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Filter Row Menu toolbar item. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ToolbarShowFooter Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Footer toolbar item. Inherited from GridViewImages.
ToolbarShowGroupPanel Gets the settings of an image displayed within the Group Panel toolbar item. Inherited from GridViewImages.

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Name Description
Assign(PropertiesBase) Copies the settings from the specified PropertiesBase object to the current object. Inherited from ImagesBase.
CopyFrom(ImagesBase) Duplicates the properties of the specified object into the current instance of the ImagesBase class. Inherited from ImagesBase.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetImagePropertiesEx(Page, String, String, String, String, String) Obsolete. This method is obsolete. Inherited from ImagesBase.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Reset() Returns the ImagesBase object to its original state. Inherited from ImagesBase.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from GridViewImages.
See Also