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DateEditTimeSectionProperties Properties

Contains settings specific to the time section.
Name Description
CancelButtonText Gets or sets the text displayed within the Cancel button of the date edit’s time section.
ClockCellStyle Gets the style settings defining the date edit’s clock cell appearance.
ClockFaceImage Provides access to the settings that define a ClockFace image.
HourHandImage Provides access to the settings that define a clock hour hand image.
MinuteHandImage Provides access to the settings that define a clock minute hand image.
OkButtonText Gets or sets the text displayed within the Ok button of the date edit’s time section.
SecondHandImage Provides access to the settings that define a clock’s second hand image.
ShowCancelButton Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the Cancel button is displayed within the time section.
ShowHourHand Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the hour hand is displayed on the clock.
ShowHourWheel Specifies whether the date edit shows the hour wheel.
ShowMillisecondWheel Specifies whether the date edit shows the millisecond wheel.
ShowMinuteHand Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the minute hand is displayed on the clock.
ShowMinuteWheel Specifies whether the date edit shows the minute wheel.
ShowOkButton Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the Ok button is displayed within the time section.
ShowSecondHand Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the second hand is displayed on the clock.
ShowSecondWheel Specifies whether the date edit shows the second wheel.
TimeEditCellStyle Gets the style settings defining the date edit’s time edit cell appearance.
TimeEditProperties Gets the settings of the time edit.
Visible Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the time section is visible.
See Also