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ASPxPageControl.ShowTabs Property

Gets or sets whether tab page headers are displayed within the PageControl.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.2.dll


public bool ShowTabs { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
Boolean true

true if the control’s tab page headers should be displayed; otherwise, false.


Use the ShowTabs property to control the display of tab page headers. If this property is set to false, the HTML code representing tabs is not rendered into the page.


This example demonstrates how to use the ASPxPageControl.ShowTabs property. The ASPxPageControl has three tab pages, selected by clicking the ASPxNavBar‘s item client.

<dxtc:ASPxPageControl ID="ASPxPageControl1" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" 
ClientInstanceName="PageControl1" Height="101px" ShowTabs="False" Width="228px">
                <dxtc:TabPage Text="Tab1">
                        <dxw:ContentControl runat="server">
                            Page1 content
                <dxtc:TabPage Text="Tab2">
                        <dxw:ContentControl runat="server">
                            Page2 content
                <dxtc:TabPage Text="Tab3">
                        <dxw:ContentControl runat="server">
                            Page3 content

<dxnb:ASPxNavBar ID="ASPxNavBar1" runat="server" AllowSelectItem="True">
                        <dxnb:NavBarItem Text="Item1" Selected="True">
                        <dxnb:NavBarItem Text="Item2">
                        <dxnb:NavBarItem Text="Item3">
            <ClientSideEvents ItemClick="function(s, e) {
     case 0: {PageControl1.SetActiveTab(PageControl1.GetTab(0)); break;}
     case 1: {PageControl1.SetActiveTab(PageControl1.GetTab(1)); break;}
     case 2: {PageControl1.SetActiveTab(PageControl1.GetTab(2)); break;}

         }" />
See Also