ASPxGridViewContextMenuSettings Properties
Provides settings that affect the context menu appearance and functionality.Name | Description |
ColumnMenuItemVisibility | Gets visibility settings of the column context menu items. |
EnableColumnMenu | Gets or sets whether the column context menu is enabled. |
Enabled | Gets or sets whether the context menu is enabled. |
EnableFooterMenu | Gets or sets whether the footer context menu is enabled. |
EnableGroupFooterMenu | Gets or sets whether the group footer context menu is enabled. |
EnableGroupPanelMenu | Gets or sets whether the group panel context menu is enabled. |
EnableRowMenu | Gets or sets whether the row context menu is enabled. |
EnableScrolling | Specifies whether scrolling is enabled in the context menu. |
FooterMenuItemVisibility | Gets visibility settings of the footer context menu items. |
GroupFooterMenuItemVisibility | Gets the visibility settings of the group footer context menu items. |
GroupPanelMenuItemVisibility | Gets the visibility settings of the group panel context menu items. |
RowMenuItemVisibility | Gets the visibility settings of the row context menu items. |
See Also