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ASPxGridSettings.ShowFilterBar Property

Gets or sets a value which specifies when the filter bar is displayed.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web


public GridViewStatusBarMode ShowFilterBar { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
GridViewStatusBarMode Hidden

A GridViewStatusBarMode enumeration value that specifies when the filter bar is displayed.

Available values:

Name Description

For the status bar: an element is visible if the SettingsLoadingPanel.Mode property is set to ShowOnStatusBar or the SettingsEditing.Mode property is set to Batch.
For the filter bar: an element is visible if the grid’s data is filtered.


An element is hidden.


An element is visible.


By default, the filter bar isn’t displayed. To automatically display the filter bar after the grid’s data has been filtered, set the ShowFilterBar property to Auto. To always display the filter bar, set the ShowFilterBar property to Visible.

See Also