RibbonOptionButtonItem.OptionGroupName Property
Gets or sets the name of the group to which the option button belongs.
Namespace: DevExpress.Web
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v24.1.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web
Property Value
Type | Default | Description |
String | String.Empty | A String value specifying the name of the group to which the button belongs. |
Use the OptionGroupName property to specify a grouping of option buttons for creating a mutually exclusive set of buttons. Use the OptionGroupName property when only one selection from a list of available options is possible.
When this property is set, only one option button in the specified group can be checked at one time. A button’s checked state is controlled by its RibbonToggleButtonItem.Checked property.
<dx:RibbonOptionButtonItem Name="Align Left" OptionGroupName="Align">
<SmallImage IconID="format_alignleft_16x16">
<dx:RibbonOptionButtonItem Name="Align Center" OptionGroupName="Align">
<SmallImage IconID="format_aligncenter_16x16">
<dx:RibbonOptionButtonItem Name="Align Right" OptionGroupName="Align">
<SmallImage IconID="format_alignright_16x16">
<dx:RibbonOptionButtonItem Name="Align Justify" OptionGroupName="Align">
<SmallImage IconID="format_alignjustify_16x16">
See Also