TcxCustomDateEditProperties Properties
Defines settings specific to date editors.Name | Description |
Alignment | Determines the alignment of the editor’s contents. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
AllowDropDownWhenReadOnly | Specifies if a user can invoke the drop-down window in read-only mode. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
AlwaysShowBlanksAndLiterals | Specifies whether the editor’s display value includes blank and literal characters when the editor is not focused. Inherited from TcxCustomMaskEditProperties. |
Animation | Controls if transition animation is played when navigating dates in the editor’s modern-style dropdown calendar. |
ArrowsForYear | Controls if the dropdown calendar displays arrow buttons within the year part of the editor’s classic-style dropdown calendar. |
AssignedValues protected | Contains the property flags that indicate which properties specific to a date editor have been changed. |
Automation | Provides access to editor UI Automation and accessibility settings. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
AutoSelect | Determines whether the editor’s contents are automatically selected when the editor receives focus. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
BeepOnError | Specifies whether to play the system default sound on a validation error. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ButtonGlyph | Specifies the custom glyph for the drop-down button. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
Buttons | Provides access to the collection of editor buttons. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ButtonsViewStyle protected | Specifies how the editor displays content and embedded buttons. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
CaseInsensitive | Specifies whether the mask is case sensitive. Inherited from TcxCustomMaskEditProperties. |
CharCase | Specifies the case of editor text. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
ClearKey | Specifies the keyboard shortcut to clear the editor entry. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ClickKey | Specifies a key combination to generate the OnButtonClick click event for the default button. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
DateButtons | Specifies additional visible buttons in the date editor‘s drop-down calendar. |
DateOnError | Determines the date to be assigned to an editor in case of invalid date input. |
DisplayFormat | Specifies a formatting pattern for display text when the editor has no focus. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
EchoMode | Specifies the text display mode. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
EditFormat | Determines the manner in which the editor’s text is formatted when the editor is focused. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
EditMask | Specifies the mask representing valid text for a masked edit control. Inherited from TcxCustomMaskEditProperties. |
ErrorIcon | Specifies an icon (also called error icon) to be displayed by a standalone editor when it fails validation. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
HideCursor protected | Specifies whether the edit cursor is hidden. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
HideSelection | Determines whether the visual indication of the selected text remains when the editor loses focus. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
IgnoreMaskBlank | Determines the manner in which a mask editor reacts to an input validation error. Inherited from TcxCustomMaskEditProperties. |
Images | Specifies the collection of images used as editor button icons. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ImeMode | Specifies the current mode of an Input Method Editor (IME). Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
ImeName | Specifies the input method editor (IME) to use for converting keyboard input to Asian language characters. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
ImmediateDropDown | Determines whether the popup window is opened immediately after a user has pressed an alphanumeric character within an editor. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
ImmediateDropDownWhenActivated | Specifies if the drop-down window opens immediately once a user activates the drop-down in-place editor in a container control. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
ImmediateDropDownWhenKeyPressed | |
ImmediatePopup | Determines whether the popup window is opened immediately after a user has activated an in-place editor. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
ImmediatePost | Indicates whether the edit value should be saved immediately after it has been modified. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ImmediateUpdateText | Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
IncrementalFiltering | Enables the incremental filtering feature for the editor’s drop-down list. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
IncrementalFilteringOptions | Specifies how incremental filtering is applied to the editor’s drop-down list. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
IncrementalSearch | Enables the automatic completion feature of an editor. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
InputKind | Specifies how user input is validated. |
IsChanging | Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
IsMasked | Indicates whether the mask exists for a mask editor. Inherited from TcxCustomMaskEditProperties. |
KeepArrowButtonPressedWhenDroppedDown | Specifies if the drop-down button is displayed as pressed while the drop-down window is visible. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
Kind | Specifies the date editor‘s active date/time value edit mode. |
LookupItems | Specifies the list of words required to implement the automatic completion feature within an editor. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
LookupItemsSorted | Specifies whether the automatic completion words list is sorted in alphabetical order. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
MaskKind | Determines the mask type of a mask editor. Inherited from TcxCustomMaskEditProperties. |
MaxDate | Specifies the latest date available for selection and input. |
MaxLength | Specifies the maximum number of characters a user can enter into an editor. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
MaxValue | Specifies the maximum numeric value an editor can display. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
MinDate | Specifies the earliest date available for selection and input. |
MinValue | Specifies the minimum numeric value an editor can display. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
Nullstring protected | Specifies the display text for the Null value. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
OEMConvert | Determines whether characters typed in an editor are converted from ANSI to OEM and back to ANSI. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
Owner | Provides access to the control or its object to which the persisted settings belong. Inherited from TcxInterfacedPersistent. |
PasswordChar | Specifies the character (if any) to display in place of the actual characters typed into an editor. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
PopupAlignment | Specifies the manner in which the dropdown window is aligned relative to the editor. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
PopupAutoSize | Specifies if the drop-down window automatically adjusts its size to display the currently embedded control in full. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
PopupClientEdge | Specifies whether to display the inner border within the popup window. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
PopupControl | Specifies the control displayed in the editor’s drop-down window. Inherited from TcxCustomPopupEditProperties. |
PopupDirection | Specifies if the drop-down window expands horizontally or vertically. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
PopupHeight | Specifies drop-down window height, in pixels. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
PopupHorzAlignment | Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
PopupMinHeight | Specifies the minimum drop-down window height, in pixels. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
PopupMinWidth | Specifies the minimum drop-down window width, in pixels. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
PopupSizeable | Specifies if users can resize the editor’s drop-down window. Inherited from TcxCustomPopupEditProperties. |
PopupSysPanelStyle | Specifies whether to display the system panel at the bottom of the popup window. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
PopupVertAlignment | Specifies the vertical alignment of the drop-down window. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
PopupWidth | Specifies drop-down window width, in pixels. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
PostPopupValueOnTab | Specifies if the editor applies the current selection in the drop-down window when a user presses Tab to close it. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties. |
ReadOnly | Specifies if the editor is in read-only mode. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
SaveTime | Specifies whether the time stored within the editor’s value is preserved when an end-user modifies the date using an editor or its dropdown calendar. |
ShowOnlyValidDates | Specifies if the date editor‘s drop-down calendar allows users to select only the dates from an explicitly defined date range. |
ShowPasswordRevealButton | Specifies if the editor configured for password input displays a “password reveal” button when the editor’s edit box is not Text. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
ShowTime | Defines whether to display the time part as well as the date part of a value. |
ShowToday | Switches the visibility of the Today link in the editor’s modern-style dropdown calendar. |
Transparent protected | Deprecated. Specifies if the editor background is transparent. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
UseDisplayFormatWhenEditing | Specifies if the editor applies the display text formatting pattern to content in edit mode. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
UseLeftAlignmentOnEditing | Specifies whether to align text to the left in edit mode. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
UseMouseWheel | Specifies whether an editor responds to mouse wheel rotation. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
UseNullString protected | Specifies whether the custom text will be displayed if the editor is empty. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
ValidateOnEnter | Inherited from TcxCustomMaskEditProperties. |
ValidationErrorIconAlignment | Specifies the horizontal alignment of an error icon displayed by the editor when it fails validation. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ValidationOptions | Contains a set of flags that specify how the editor handles and displays its validation errors. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ValidChars | Specifies additional characters valid for a data-aware editor. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
View | Switches the drop-down calendar’s view style. |
ViewStyle | Specifies the view style of the text and buttons in a text editor. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties. |
WeekNumbers | Specifies whether week numbers are displayed within the editor’s dropdown calendar. |
YearsInMonthList | Specifies whether year values should be displayed in the month list of the editor’s classic-style dropdown calendar. |
See Also