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TcxCustomDateEditProperties.ShowOnlyValidDates Property

Specifies if the date editor‘s drop-down calendar allows users to select only the dates from an explicitly defined date range.


property ShowOnlyValidDates: Boolean read; write; default False;

Property Value

Type Default Description
Boolean False
  • If False (default), all possible dates are available for selection in the editor’s drop-down calendar, even if [MinDate] and [MaxDate] properties are specified.
  • If True, the drop-down calendar displays only the dates within the range between MinDate and MaxDate property values.


You can use MinDate and MaxDate properties to limit the range of dates available for user input. In addition, you can set the ShowOnlyValidDates property to True to remove all dates outside the defined valid range from the date editor‘s drop-down calendar.

Default Value

The ShowOnlyValidDates property’s default value is False.

See Also