SchedulerControl Events
Displays scheduled data using one of the available views and provides the capability to edit, save and load appointments. See Scheduler.Name | Description |
ActiveViewChanged | Occurs after the active view of the Scheduler control has been changed. |
ActiveViewChanging | Occurs when the Scheduler control is changing its active view. |
AllowAppointmentConflicts | Occurs when the scheduler finds appointments that are in conflict, and the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentConflicts property is set to Custom. |
AllowAppointmentCopy | Occurs when an end-user tries to copy an appointment and the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentCopy property is set to Custom. |
AllowAppointmentCreate | Occurs when an end-user tries to create a new appointment and the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentCreate property is set to Custom. |
AllowAppointmentDelete | Occurs when the SchedulerControl checks whether the appointment can be deleted. The event fires only if the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentDelete property is set to Custom. |
AllowAppointmentDrag | Occurs when an end-user tries to drag an appointment and the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentDrag property is set to Custom. |
AllowAppointmentDragBetweenResources | Occurs when an end-user tries to drag an drop an appointment between resources and the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentDragBetweenResources property is set to Custom. |
AllowAppointmentEdit | Occurs when an end-user tries to edit an appointment and the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentEdit property is set to Custom. |
AllowAppointmentResize | Occurs when an end-user tries to resize an appointment and the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentResize property is set to Custom. |
AllowInplaceEditor | Occurs when an end-user tries to invoke an appointment’s in-place editor and the SchedulerOptionsCustomization.AllowInplaceEditor property is set to Custom. |
AppointmentDrag | Occurs when appointment is dragged in the Scheduler control. |
AppointmentDrop | Fires when you drop the appointment dragged with the mouse. |
AppointmentDropComplete | |
AppointmentFlyoutShowing | Occurs before the appointment flyout is shown and allows you to substitute a flyout with another control. |
AppointmentHtmlElementMouseClick | |
AppointmentResized | Occurs after the user modifies the appointment’s interval by dragging its border with the mouse. |
AppointmentResizing | Occurs when the user starts modifying the appointment’s interval by dragging its border with the mouse. |
AppointmentsDrag |
The resulting event that fires after the last AppointmentDrag event. Allows you to schedule appointments added to the AdditionalAppointments collection, and perform other actions.
AppointmentsDrop | The resulting event that fires after the last AppointmentDrop event. Allows you to perform custom actions when the drag-and-drop operation is over. |
AppointmentViewInfoCustomizing | Use this event to customize the appointment’s appearance by modifying the style elements when it is painted. If the multi-threading is on, this event does not raise in the UI thread. |
AutoSizeChanged | This event is not relevant for this class. Inherited from Control. |
BackColorChanged | Occurs when the value of the BackColor property changes. Inherited from Control. |
BackgroundImageChanged | Occurs when the value of the BackgroundImage property changes. Inherited from Control. |
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged | Occurs when the BackgroundImageLayout property changes. Inherited from Control. |
BeforeLoadLayout | Occurs before a layout is restored from storage (a stream, xml file or the system registry). |
BindingContextChanged | Occurs when the value of the BindingContext property changes. Inherited from Control. |
CausesValidationChanged | Occurs when the value of the CausesValidation property changes. Inherited from Control. |
ChangeUICues | Occurs when the focus or keyboard user interface (UI) cues change. Inherited from Control. |
Click | Occurs when the control is clicked. Inherited from Control. |
ClientSizeChanged | Occurs when the value of the ClientSize property changes. Inherited from Control. |
ContextMenuChanged | Occurs when the value of the ContextMenu property changes. Inherited from Control. |
ContextMenuStripChanged | Occurs when the value of the ContextMenuStrip property changes. Inherited from Control. |
ControlAdded | Occurs when a new control is added to the Control.ControlCollection. Inherited from Control. |
ControlRemoved | Occurs when a control is removed from the Control.ControlCollection. Inherited from Control. |
CursorChanged | Occurs when the value of the Cursor property changes. Inherited from Control. |
CustomAppointmentGroup | Allows you to split appointments into groups. |
CustomAppointmentSort | Allows you to sort appointments in any custom order. |
CustomAppointmentTemplateValue | Allows you to assign custom values to HTML elements bound to data fields. |
CustomDayViewColumnWidth | Allows you to set custom relative widths to DayView, WorkWeekView and FullWeekView columns. |
CustomDrawAppointment | Enables appointments to be painted manually. |
CustomDrawAppointmentBackground | Enables the backgrounds of appointments to be painted manually. |
CustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject | Occurs before displaying the appointment flyout. Follows the SchedulerControl.CustomizeAppointmentFlyout event. Enables you to manually draw the visual elements composing the Subject rectangle without having to do a full default draw. |
CustomDrawDayHeader | Enables day headers to be painted manually. |
CustomDrawDayOfWeekHeader | Enables day of week headers to be painted manually. |
CustomDrawDayViewAllDayArea | Enables the All-Day Area to be painted manually. |
CustomDrawDayViewTimeRuler | Enables the time ruler to be painted manually. |
CustomDrawDependency | Enables dependencies to be painted manually. |
CustomDrawGroupSeparator | Enables group separators to be painted manually. |
CustomDrawNavigationButton | Enables navigation buttons to be painted manually. |
CustomDrawResourceHeader | Enables resource headers to be painted manually. |
CustomDrawTabHeader | Allows you to paint resource tab headers. |
CustomDrawTimeCell | Allows you to manually paint time cells. |
CustomDrawTimeIndicator | Enables the Time Indicator to be painted manually. |
CustomDrawTimeRegion | Handle this event to manually re-paint Time Regions. |
CustomDrawView | Enables drawing objects on the top of the scheduler view. |
CustomDrawWeekViewTopLeftCorner | Enables the top left corner of the week view to be painted manually. |
CustomizeAppointmentFlyout | Occurs before displaying an appointment flyout and allows you to change the displayed text, background and the subject’s font. Precedes the SchedulerControl.CustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject event. |
CustomizeAppointmentTemplate | Allows you to hide specific HTML elements at runtime, or change their CSS style properties. |
CustomizeDateNavigationBarCaption | Handle this event to specify the caption of the Date Navigation Bar control. |
CustomizeMessageBoxCaption | Allows you to change the caption of a built-in message box that prompts the user for an action after an error condition has occurred. |
CustomizePageSetupResources | |
CustomizeResourceHeaderTemplate | Allows you to modify resource header templates at runtime. |
CustomResourceHeaderTemplateValue | Allows you to pass values to elements bound to custom data fields. |
DateNavigatorQueryActiveViewType | Enables you to specify the active view type of the Scheduler when the user selects dates in the bound DateNavigator. |
DeleteRecurrentAppointmentFormShowing | Occurs before the Confirm Delete dialog window is invoked. |
Disposed | Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component. |
DockChanged | Occurs when the value of the Dock property changes. Inherited from Control. |
DoubleClick | Occurs when the control is double-clicked. Inherited from Control. |
DragDrop | Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed. Inherited from Control. |
DragEnter | Occurs when an object is dragged into the control’s bounds. Inherited from Control. |
DragLeave | Occurs when an object is dragged out of the control’s bounds. Inherited from Control. |
DragOver | Occurs when an object is dragged over the control’s bounds. Inherited from Control. |
EditAppointmentDependencyFormShowing | Occurs before the Appointment Dependency dialog window is invoked. |
EditAppointmentFormShowing | Occurs before the Edit Appointment dialog window is invoked. |
EditRecurrentAppointmentFormShowing | Occurs before the Open Recurring Item dialog window is invoked. |
EnabledChanged | Occurs when the Enabled property value has changed. Inherited from Control. |
Enter | Occurs when the control is entered. Inherited from Control. |
FontChanged | Occurs when the Font property value changes. Inherited from Control. |
ForeColorChanged | Occurs when the ForeColor property value changes. Inherited from Control. |
GiveFeedback | Occurs during a drag operation. Inherited from Control. |
GotFocus | Occurs when the control receives focus. Inherited from Control. |
GotoDateFormShowing | Occurs before the Go To Date dialog window is invoked. |
GroupTypeChanged | Occurs after the SchedulerControl.GroupType property of the Scheduler control has been changed. |
HandleCreated | Occurs when a handle is created for the control. Inherited from Control. |
HandleDestroyed | Occurs when the control’s handle is in the process of being destroyed. Inherited from Control. |
HelpRequested | Occurs when the user requests help for a control. Inherited from Control. |
HyperlinkClick | |
ImeModeChanged | Occurs when the ImeMode property has changed. Inherited from Control. |
InitAppointmentDisplayText | Enables custom text and a description to be displayed within appointments. |
InitAppointmentImages | Enables custom images to be displayed within appointments. |
InitNewAppointment | Occurs before a new appointment is created in the Scheduler. |
InplaceEditorShowing | Occurs every time an in-place editor is invoked in place of the edited appointment. This event is not cancelable. If you want to disable in-place editors for specific appointments, handle the AllowInplaceEditor event (this event fires when the AllowInplaceEditor property equals “Custom”). |
Invalidated | Occurs when a control’s display requires redrawing. Inherited from Control. |
KeyDown | Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus. Inherited from Control. |
KeyPress | Occurs when a character. space or backspace key is pressed while the control has focus. Inherited from Control. |
KeyUp | Occurs when a key is released while the control has focus. Inherited from Control. |
Layout | Occurs when a control should reposition its child controls. Inherited from Control. |
LayoutUpgrade | Occurs when a layout is restored from a data store (a stream, xml file or system registry), and its version differs from the version of the current layout. |
LayoutViewInfoCustomizing | Use this event to customize the appearance of certain visual elements before they are painted. |
Leave | Occurs when the input focus leaves the control. Inherited from Control. |
LocationChanged | Occurs when the Location property value has changed. Inherited from Control. |
LostFocus | Occurs when the control loses focus. Inherited from Control. |
MarginChanged | Occurs when the control’s margin changes. Inherited from Control. |
MoreButtonClicked | Occurs when the More Button is clicked. |
MouseCaptureChanged | Occurs when the control loses mouse capture. Inherited from Control. |
MouseClick | Occurs when the control is clicked by the mouse. Inherited from Control. |
MouseDoubleClick | Occurs when the control is double clicked by the mouse. Inherited from Control. |
MouseDown | Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Inherited from Control. |
MouseEnter | Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. Inherited from Control. |
MouseHover | Occurs when the mouse pointer rests on the control. Inherited from Control. |
MouseLeave | Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. Inherited from Control. |
MouseMove | Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the control. Inherited from Control. |
MouseUp | Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is released. Inherited from Control. |
MouseWheel | Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus. Inherited from Control. |
Move | Occurs when the control is moved. Inherited from Control. |
NavigationButtonClick | |
PaddingChanged | Occurs when the control’s padding changes. Inherited from Control. |
Paint | Occurs when the control is redrawn. Inherited from Control. |
PaintEx | A DirectX-compatible method that replaces the standard Control.Paint method. |
ParentChanged | Occurs when the Parent property value changes. Inherited from Control. |
PopupMenuShowing | Occurs before a popup menu is displayed for a SchedulerControl. Allows you to customize menu items. |
PrepareContextMenu | Obsolete. This member is obsolete. Handle the SchedulerControl.PopupMenuShowing event instead. |
PrepareDragData | Fires when a user drags data items from another control or application, and allows you to create appointments based on the dragged data. |
PreparePopupMenu | Obsolete. This member is obsolete. Handle the SchedulerControl.PopupMenuShowing event instead. |
PreviewKeyDown | Occurs before the KeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control. Inherited from Control. |
QueryAccessibilityHelp | Occurs when AccessibleObject is providing help to accessibility applications. Inherited from Control. |
QueryAppointmentTemplate | Allows you to assign unique HTML templates to individual Appointments. |
QueryContinueDrag | Occurs during a drag-and-drop operation and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. Inherited from Control. |
QueryResourceColorSchema | Enables visible resources to be painted according to certain conditions. |
QueryResourceHeaderTemplate | Allows you to assign individual templates to different resource headers. |
QueryWorkTime | Occurs when the scheduler’s view calculates the work time interval for the specific resource. |
RangeControlAutoAdjusting | Occurs before the RangeControl has been automatically adjusted when the scheduler active view or start date is changed. |
RegionChanged | Occurs when the value of the Region property changes. Inherited from Control. |
RemindersFormDefaultAction | Occurs when an end-user doesn’t click the Dismiss or Snooze button on the Reminders Form, but simply closes it. The SchedulerOptionsBehaviorBase.RemindersFormDefaultAction property should be set to Custom. |
RemindersFormShowing | Occurs before the Reminders form is displayed. |
Resize | Occurs when the control is resized. Inherited from Control. |
ResourceHeaderHtmlElementMouseClick | |
RightToLeftChanged | Occurs when the RightToLeft property value changes. Inherited from Control. |
SelectionChanged | Fires after the selection has been changed. |
SizeChanged | Occurs when the Size property value changes. Inherited from Control. |
StorageChanged | Fires after the SchedulerControl.Storage property’s value has been changed. |
StyleChanged | Occurs when the control style changes. Inherited from Control. |
SystemColorsChanged | Occurs when the system colors change. Inherited from Control. |
TabIndexChanged | Occurs when the TabIndex property value changes. Inherited from Control. |
TabStopChanged | Occurs when the TabStop property value changes. Inherited from Control. |
TextChanged | Occurs when the Text property value changes. Inherited from Control. |
TimeRegionCustomize | When you disable the TimeRegion.Editable setting, users are unable to create or modify existing appointments so that they belong to this region. Handle this event and override its e.Editable parameter to remove restrictions for specific appointments and/or users. |
Validated | Occurs when the control is finished validating. Inherited from Control. |
Validating | Occurs when the control is validating. Inherited from Control. |
VisibleChanged | Occurs when the Visible property value changes. Inherited from Control. |
VisibleIntervalChanged | Fires when the time interval displayed by the control’s scheduling area is changed. |
VisibleResourcesChanged | Occurs when resources displayed in the scheduler view are changed, or the number of visible resources is changed, or the scheduler switches views. |
See Also