AgendaView Class
A view that lists appointments by day.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Scheduler
Related API Members
The following members return AgendaView objects:
The XtraScheduler control has several types of view that provide different arrangements and formats for scheduling and viewing appointments. The AgendaView class represents an Agenda View. This type of view enables end-users to list appointments by day.
Use the AgendaView.DayCount property to specify the number of days in the list. If there are no appointments in the visible interval, the Agenda view appears blank.
To show or hide certain view elements, such as color circles indicating appointment labels, color bars that indicate status and a column that displays resources, use the AgendaView.AppointmentDisplayOptions property.
All views are stored in the scheduler’s view repository which can be accessed via the SchedulerControl.Views property. To access the settings of the view use the SchedulerViewRepository.AgendaView property.