Date Navigation Bar
The Date Navigation Bar is a panel docked to the top of the Scheduler. This panel allows users to navigate to a specific date or date interval, and change the currently active View.
You can use the SchedulerControl.DateNavigationBar property to access Date Navigation Bar properties.
DateNavigationBar.Visible - specifies whether the Date Navigation Bar panel is visible.
DateNavigationBar.ShowTodayButton - specifies the visibility of a button that allows users to navigate to the current day.
DateNavigationBar.CalendarButton - provides access to drop-down calendar settings. This calendar allows users to quickly navigate to a specific date. Add the BarManager component to the form to avoid calendar popup positioning issues when a user moves or resizes the form.
DateNavigationBar.ShowViewSelectorButton - specifies whether the button that allows users to change the active View is visible.
You can handle the SchedulerControl.CustomizeDateNavigationBarCaption event to customize Date Navigation Bar text.