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SchedulerControl.DeleteRecurrentAppointmentFormShowing Event

Occurs before the Confirm Delete dialog window is invoked.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Scheduler


public event DeleteRecurrentAppointmentFormEventHandler DeleteRecurrentAppointmentFormShowing

Event Data

The DeleteRecurrentAppointmentFormShowing event's data class is DeleteRecurrentAppointmentFormEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Appointment Gets the appointment for which the dialog will be shown. Inherited from AppointmentFormEventArgs.
CommandSourceType Indicates the mechanism of the command input, e.g. keyboard, mouse, menu. Inherited from AppointmentFormEventArgs.
DeleteSeries Obsolete. Gets or sets a value indicating if the entire series or a single appointment should be deleted.
DialogResult Gets or sets the return value of a dialog box. Inherited from ShowFormEventArgs.
Handled Gets or sets whether an event was handled, if it was handled the default actions are not required. Inherited from ShowFormEventArgs.
OpenRecurrenceForm Gets a value indicating whether the Appointment Recurrence form is displayed on the top of the Edit Appointment form. Inherited from AppointmentFormEventArgs.
Parent Gets or sets a parent of the form being shown. Inherited from ShowFormEventArgs.
QueryResult When a user tries to delete a recurring Appointment, the Scheduler raises the confirmation dialog that asks whether they want to delete this entire series, or the currently selected occurrence only. This property allows you to forcibly set this option. Inherited from RecurrentAppointmentActionFormEventArgs.
ReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether an appointment is read-only. Inherited from AppointmentFormEventArgs.


Handle this event to perform any actions prior to the Confirm Delete dialog being shown. For instance, a custom dialog can be substituted in place of the standard dialog (and the ShowFormEventArgs.Handled property set to true.)

This dialog can be invoked either by an end-user, or via the SchedulerControl.ShowDeleteRecurrentAppointmentForm method. The QueryResult property enables you to specify whether the entire appointment series should be edited, or only the selected appointment.

The Confirm Delete dialog window is illustrated below:

DeleteRecurrentAppointments Dialog

See Also