AppointmentStatus Class
Appointment’s availability status.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Scheduler
public class AppointmentStatus :
Related API Members
The following members return AppointmentStatus objects:
The AppointmentStatus class represents an individual availability status, which can be associated with an appointment. The availability status is one of an appointment’s basic visual characteristics. It is used for at-a-glance appointment identification. The appointment’s availability status is indicated in the scheduler as a strip displayed to the left of the appointment. The strip is colored in different ways, depending upon the availability status’s type.
The color fill and type of an AppointmentStatus object are determined by its AppointmentStatus.Brush and AppointmentStatus.Type properties. The status can be either of the standard type (there are five standard predefined types - free, tentative, busy, out of office and working elsewhere) or a custom type. See the AppointmentStatusType enumerator for more details.
Availability status objects are contained within the AppointmentStatusCollection collection, which can be accessed via the AppointmentStorage.Statuses property. An individual AppointmentStatus object can be accessed using indexer notation or specific methods (AppointmentStatusCollection.GetByType, UserInterfaceObjectCollection<T>.GetById, UserInterfaceObjectCollection<T>.GetByIndex).
The Appointment.StatusKey property associates an appointment with the availability status specified by its UserInterfaceObject.Id.
Availability statuses are only visible in the Day View, Work Week View or the Full Week View views.