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TdxCustomZoomTrackBarProperties Properties

Serves as the base class for classes that contain zoom track bar settings.
Name Description
Alignment Determines the alignment of the editor’s contents. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
AssignedValues protected Contains the property flags that indicate which properties specific to an editor have been changed. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
AutoSelect Determines whether the editor’s contents are automatically selected when the editor receives focus. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
AutoSize Specifies whether the size of track bar’s elements is calculated automatically. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
BeepOnError Specifies whether to play the system default sound on a validation error. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
BorderWidth Specifies the additional offset of the track bar’s elements from its borders. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
Buttons Provides access to the collection of editor buttons. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
ButtonsViewStyle protected Specifies how the editor displays content and embedded buttons. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
ClearKey Specifies the keyboard shortcut to clear the editor entry. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
ClickKey Specifies a key combination to generate the OnButtonClick click event for the default button. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
ErrorIcon Specifies an icon (also called error icon) to be displayed by a standalone editor when it fails validation. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
FirstRange Specifies the settings of the editor’s first scale range.
Frequency Specifies the distance between tick marks. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
Images Specifies the collection of images used as editor button icons. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
ImmediatePost Indicates whether the edit value should be saved immediately after it has been modified. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
IsChanging Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
LineSize Specifies the amount by which the thumb’s position is changed when clicking the change buttons or pressing the arrow keys when the track bar editor is focused. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
Max Specifies the maximum value that can be represented by the zoom track bar editor.
MaxValue protected Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
Min Specifies the minimum value that can be represented by the zoom track bar editor.
MinValue protected Specifies the maximum numeric value the editor can display. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
Orientation Specifies whether the track bar is oriented horizontally or vertically. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
Owner Provides access to the control or its object to which the persisted settings belong. Inherited from TcxInterfacedPersistent.
PageSize Specifies the amount by which the thumb’s position is changed when clicking the track bar or pressing the Page Up or Page Down key when the track bar editor is focused. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
ReadOnly Specifies the desired read-only status of an editor. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
ReverseDirection Switches the scale direction of the track bar to the opposite direction. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
SecondRange Specifies the settings of the editor’s second scale range.
SelectionColor Specifies the color of the selection bar. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
SelectionEnd Specifies the position where the selection bar ends. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
SelectionStart Specifies the position where the selection bar starts. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
ShowChangeButtons Specifies the visibility of buttons that allow end-users to move the thumb.
ShowPositionHint Specifies the visibility of a hint window displaying the current thumb position. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
ShowTicks Switches the visibility of tick marks.
ShowTrack Specifies the visibility of the track bar. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
TextOrientation Specifies the orientation of the text representing tick marks. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
ThumbColor Specifies the color of the track bar’s thumb. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
ThumbHeight Specifies the height of the track bar’s thumb in pixels. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
ThumbHighlightColor Specifies the color of the track bar’s thumb when the mouse pointer hovers over it. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
ThumbStep Specifies the manner in which the track bar’s thumb is moved when the track bar is clicked.
ThumbType Specifies whether the track bar’s thumb is visible and whether it must be custom painted. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
ThumbWidth Specifies the width of the track bar’s thumb in pixels. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
TickColor Specifies the color of ticks. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
TickMarks Specifies the position of tick marks and the appearance of the track bar’s thumb. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
TickSize Specifies the size of ticks in pixels. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
TickType Specifies the appearance of tick marks. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
TrackColor Specifies the color of the track bar. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
TrackSize Specifies the width of the track bar in pixels. Inherited from TcxCustomTrackBarProperties.
Transparent protected Deprecated. Specifies if the editor background is transparent. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
UseLeftAlignmentOnEditing Specifies whether to align text to the left in edit mode. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
UseMouseWheel Specifies whether an editor responds to mouse wheel rotation. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
ValidateOnEnter Specifies whether validation is performed when an end-user presses the Enter key. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
ValidationErrorIconAlignment Specifies the horizontal alignment of an error icon displayed by the editor when it fails validation. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
ValidationOptions Contains a set of flags that specify how the editor handles and displays its validation errors. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
See Also