TdxShellListView Members
A Shell List View control.Constructors
Name | Description |
Create(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
CreateParented(HWND) | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Name | Description |
AbsolutePIDL | Specifies the identifier of the currently displayed folder. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
Action | Inherited from TControl. |
ActiveCanvas | Provides access to the control’s GDI-based canvas. Inherited from TcxControl. |
Align | Inherited from TControl. |
AlignDisabled | Inherited from TWinControl. |
AlignWithMargins | Inherited from TControl. |
AllowDragDrop | Specifies if OLE drag-and-drop operations are enabled in the Shell List View control. |
Anchors | Inherited from TControl. |
AutoSize | Inherited from TControl. |
AutoSizeMode protected | Inherited from TcxScrollingControl. |
BevelEdges | Inherited from TWinControl. |
BevelInner | Inherited from TWinControl. |
BevelKind | Inherited from TWinControl. |
BevelOuter | Inherited from TWinControl. |
BevelWidth | Inherited from TWinControl. |
BiDiMode | Inherited from TControl. |
BorderSize protected | Inherited from TcxControl. |
BorderStyle | Specifies the List View’s border style. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
BorderWidth | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Bounds | Returns the control’s boundaries. Inherited from TcxControl. |
BoundsRect | Inherited from TControl. |
Brush | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Canvas | Provides access to the control’s GDI-based canvas. Inherited from TcxControl. |
Caption | Inherited from TControl. |
Checkboxes | Specifies if the List View displays item check boxes. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
ClientBounds | Returns the control’s client area. Inherited from TcxControl. |
ClientHeight | Inherited from TControl. |
ClientOrigin | Inherited from TControl. |
ClientRect | Inherited from TControl. |
ClientWidth | Inherited from TControl. |
Color | Inherited from TControl. |
Columns | Provides access to the column collection. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
ComObject | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentCount | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentIndex | Inherited from TComponent. |
Components | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentState | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentStyle | Inherited from TComponent. |
Constraints | Inherited from TControl. |
ControlCount | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Controls | Inherited from TWinControl. |
ControlState | Inherited from TControl. |
ControlStyle | Inherited from TControl. |
Ctl3D | Inherited from TWinControl. |
CurrentPPI | Inherited from TControl. |
Cursor | Inherited from TControl. |
CustomHint | Inherited from TControl. |
DesignInfo | Inherited from TComponent. |
DockClientCount | Inherited from TWinControl. |
DockClients | Inherited from TWinControl. |
DockManager | Inherited from TWinControl. |
DockOrientation | Inherited from TControl. |
DockSite | Inherited from TWinControl. |
DoubleBuffered | Inherited from TWinControl. |
DragAndDropObject | Inherited from TcxControl. |
DragAndDropObjectClass | Inherited from TcxControl. |
DragAndDropState | Inherited from TcxControl. |
DragCursor | Inherited from TControl. |
DragKind | Inherited from TControl. |
DragMode | Inherited from TControl. |
DropTarget | Provides access to the target of the current drag-and-drop operation. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
Enabled | Inherited from TControl. |
ExplicitHeight | Inherited from TControl. |
ExplicitLeft | Inherited from TControl. |
ExplicitTop | Inherited from TControl. |
ExplicitWidth | Inherited from TControl. |
ExplorerStyle | Specifies if the Explorer style is active. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
Floating | Inherited from TControl. |
FloatingDockSiteClass | Inherited from TControl. |
FocusedItem | Specifies the focused list item. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
FocusOnClick protected | Specifies if clicking the control focuses it. Inherited from TcxControl. |
FolderCount | Returns the number of displayed shell items. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
Folders | Provides indexed access to displayed shell items. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
Font | Inherited from TControl. |
Fonts | Provides access to the List View’s font settings. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
GroupIndex | Specifies the group of shell controls to which the Shell List View control belongs. |
Groups | Provides access to the group collection. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
GroupView | Specifies if the List View displays its items in groups. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
Handle | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Height | Inherited from TControl. |
HelpContext | Inherited from TControl. |
HelpKeyword | Inherited from TControl. |
HelpType | Inherited from TControl. |
Hint | Specifies a hint message for the control. Inherited from TcxControl. |
HostDockSite | Inherited from TControl. |
HScrollBar protected | Inherited from TcxControl. |
HScrollBarVisible protected | Inherited from TcxControl. |
ImageOptions | Provides access to the List View control’s image settings. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
ImeMode | Inherited from TWinControl. |
ImeName | Inherited from TWinControl. |
IsDesigning | Identifies if the control is being modified by the form designer. Inherited from TcxControl. |
IsDestroying | Identifies if the control is about to be destroyed. Inherited from TcxCustomControl. |
IsDrawingLocked | Inherited from TWinControl. |
IsFocused | Identifies if the control has focus. Inherited from TcxControl. |
IsLoading | Identifies if the control is being loaded. Inherited from TcxControl. |
Items | Provides access to the list item collection. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
Keys protected | Inherited from TcxControl. |
Left | Inherited from TControl. |
LeftPos protected | Inherited from TcxScrollingControl. |
LookAndFeel | Provides access to the control’s look & feel settings. Inherited from TcxControl. |
LookAndFeelPainter protected | Inherited from TcxControl. |
LRDockWidth | Inherited from TControl. |
Margins | Inherited from TControl. |
MouseCapture | Inherited from TControl. |
MouseCaptureObject | Provides access to the dragged object during a drag-and-drop operation. Inherited from TcxControl. |
MouseDownPos | Specifies the mouse pointer position when an OnMouseDown event occurs. Inherited from TcxControl. |
MouseInClient | Inherited from TWinControl. |
MultiSelect | Specifies if users can select multiple list items simultaneously. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
Name | Inherited from TComponent. |
Observers | Inherited from TComponent. |
Owner | Inherited from TComponent. |
OwnerData | Specifies if the List View is in virtual mode. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
Padding | Inherited from TWinControl. |
PaddingOptions | Provides access to the List View’s padding settings. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
Parent | Inherited from TControl. |
ParentBackground protected | Inherited from TcxControl. |
ParentBiDiMode | Inherited from TControl. |
ParentColor | Inherited from TControl. |
ParentCtl3D | Inherited from TWinControl. |
ParentCustomHint | Inherited from TControl. |
ParentDoubleBuffered | Inherited from TWinControl. |
ParentFont | Inherited from TControl. |
ParentShowHint | Inherited from TControl. |
ParentWindow | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Path | Specifies the full path to the currently displayed shell item. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
PixelsPerInch | Inherited from TWinControl. |
PopupMenu | Specifies the popup menu associated with the control. Inherited from TcxControl. |
RaiseOnNonMainThreadUsage | Inherited from TControl. |
ReadOnly | Specifies if the List View is in read-only mode. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
RedrawDisabled | Inherited from TWinControl. |
ScaleFactor | Inherited from TControl. |
ScrollBars protected | Inherited from TcxControl. |
SelectedFilePaths | Returns a list of paths to shell items selected in the Shell List View control. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
SelectedItemCount | Returns the selected item count. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
SelectedItems | Provides indexed access to selected items. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
ShellOptions | Provides access to shell-related settings. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
ShellRoot | Provides access to root shell item settings. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
ShowHint | Specifies if the List view shows its hint. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
Showing | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Sorting | Specifies if users can click column headers to sort the Shell List View control’s content and change the sort order. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
SortType | Specifies how the List View sorts its items after an item’s caption and associated object changes. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
StyleElements | Inherited from TControl. |
StyleName | Inherited from TControl. |
TabOrder | Inherited from TWinControl. |
TabStop | Inherited from TcxControl. |
Tag | Inherited from TComponent. |
TBDockHeight | Inherited from TControl. |
Text | Inherited from TControl. |
ThumbnailOptions | Provides access to the Shell List View control’s thumbnail display settings. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
TipMode | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Top | Inherited from TControl. |
TopPos protected | Inherited from TcxScrollingControl. |
Touch | Inherited from TControl. |
Transparent | Specifies if the control is transparent in GDI render mode. Inherited from TcxControl. |
UndockHeight | Inherited from TControl. |
UndockWidth | Inherited from TControl. |
UseDockManager | Inherited from TWinControl. |
VCLComObject | Inherited from TComponent. |
ViewStyle | Specifies the List View’s item display mode. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
ViewStyleIcon | Provides access to the Shell List View control’s appearance settings in Icon mode. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
ViewStyleList | Provides access to the List View’s appearance settings in List mode. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
ViewStyleReport | Provides access to the List View’s appearance settings in Report mode. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
ViewStyleSmallIcon | Provides access to the List View’s appearance settings in SmallIcon mode. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
Visible | Inherited from TControl. |
VisibleDockClientCount | Inherited from TWinControl. |
VScrollBar protected | Inherited from TcxControl. |
VScrollBarVisible protected | Inherited from TcxControl. |
Width | Inherited from TControl. |
WindowProc | Inherited from TControl. |
Name | Description |
OnAddFolder | Allows you to prevent certain shell items from appearing in the Shell List View control. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
OnAfterNavigation | Allows you to identify when a navigation operation is complete. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
OnAlignInsertBefore | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnAlignPosition | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnBeforeNavigation | Allows you to identify when the Shell List View control is about to navigate to a different folder. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
OnCancelEdit protected | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnCanResize | Inherited from TControl. |
OnChange | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnChanging | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnClick | Inherited from TControl. |
OnColumnClick | Allows you to perform specific actions when a user clicks a column header in the List View. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnColumnDragged protected | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnColumnPosChanged | Allows you to perform specific actions when a user changes a column‘s position in the List View. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnColumnRightClick | Allows you to perform specific actions when a user right-clicks a column header in the List View. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnColumnSizeChanged protected | Allows you to perform specific actions when a user resizes a column in the List View. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnCompare | Allows you to implement a custom shell item sorting algorithm. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
OnConstrainedResize | Inherited from TControl. |
OnContextPopup | Inherited from TControl. |
OnCreateItemClass protected | Allows you to create custom list items. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnCurrentFolderChanged | Allows you to respond to navigation between shell items. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
OnData protected | Allows you to customize an item when it is about to be displayed in virtual mode. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnDataFind protected | Allows you to search list items in virtual mode. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnDataHint protected | Allows you to update information about a range of items when they change in virtual mode. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnDblClick | Inherited from TControl. |
OnDeletion protected | Allows you to perform specific actions every time an item is deleted. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnDockDrop | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnDockOver | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnDragDrop | Inherited from TControl. |
OnDragOver | Inherited from TControl. |
OnEdited | Allows you to perform specific actions when a user renames an item in an in-place editor. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnEditing | Allows you to prohibit users from opening an item caption’s in-place editor. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnEndDock | Inherited from TControl. |
OnEndDrag | Inherited from TControl. |
OnEnter | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnExecuteItem | Allows you to prevent execution of applications associated with certain file types when a user opens a file. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
OnExit | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnFocusChanged protected | Inherited from TcxControl. |
OnGesture | Inherited from TControl. |
OnGetImageIndex protected | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnGetSiteInfo | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnGetSubItemImageIndex protected | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnInfoTip | Allows you to show custom text in an item‘s hint. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnInsert protected | Allows you to customize settings of an item when it is added to the List View. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnItemsPopulated | Allows you to identify when the Shell List View control successfully loads all shell items in the currently displayed folder. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
OnKeyDown | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnKeyPress | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnKeyUp | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnMouseActivate | Inherited from TControl. |
OnMouseDown | Inherited from TControl. |
OnMouseEnter protected | Occurs when the mouse pointer enters into the control. Inherited from TcxControl. |
OnMouseLeave protected | Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. Inherited from TcxControl. |
OnMouseMove | Inherited from TControl. |
OnMouseUp | Inherited from TControl. |
OnMouseWheel | Inherited from TControl. |
OnMouseWheelDown | Inherited from TControl. |
OnMouseWheelUp | Inherited from TControl. |
OnResize | Inherited from TControl. |
OnSelectionChanged | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnSelectItem | Allows you to perform specific actions every time a user selects or deselects an item. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnShellChange | Allows you to respond to external changes made in Windows Shell. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
OnSortCompleted | Allows you to respond to a sort operation. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
OnStartDock | Inherited from TControl. |
OnStartDrag | Inherited from TControl. |
OnUnDock | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnViewChanged | Allows you to respond to display mode changes in the Shell List View control. Inherited from TdxCustomShellListView. |
See Also