TdxCustomListView Class
In This Article
The base class for the List View control.
TdxCustomListView = class(
The TdxCustomListView class members allow you to do the following:
- Show list groups (GroupView).
- Access groups (Groups).
- Expand groups (ExpandAllGroups).
- Access list columns (Columns).
- Resize columns (ApplyBestFit).
- Access list items (Items and SelectedItems).
- Count items (GetCount and SelectedItemCount).
- Add items (AddItem).
- Delete items (Clear and DeleteSelected).
- Sort list items (AlphaSort, CustomSort, and SortType).
- Manage the List View’s selection (MultiSelect, SelectAll, and ClearSelection).
- Move focus between items (FocusedItem).
- Move an item into view (MakeItemVisible).
- Customize the List View’s appearance (ViewStyle, ViewStyleIcon, ViewStyleList, ViewStyleReport, ViewStyleSmallIcon, and ExplorerStyle).
- Specify images for different UI element types (ImageOptions).
- Customize fonts for different UI element types (Fonts).
- Highlight items as drag-and-drop operation targets (DropTarget and ClearDropTargets).
- Customize List View padding options (PaddingOptions).
- Enable read-only or virtual mode (ReadOnly and OwnerData).
Do not use this class directly; use its descendant instead.
See Also