TdxListItem Class
In This Article
A list item.
TdxListItem = class(
The TdxListItem
class members allow you to do the following:
- Delete the item (Delete).
- Check if the List View deletes the item (Deleting).
- Specify the item’s caption (Caption).
- Open and close the item’s in-place caption editor (EditCaption and CancelEdit).
- Specify the item’s subitems (SubItems).
- Focus the item (Focused).
- Select or deselect the item (Selected).
- Check or uncheck the item (Checked).
- Specify images displayed in the item (ImageIndex, StateIndex, OverlayIndex, and SubItemImages).
- Access the item’s owners (Owner and ListView).
- Identify the item’s index in the item collection (Index).
- Specify the item’s group (Group and GroupID).
- Disable the item (Enabled).
- Obtain the item position in the List View (Position, Top, and Left).
- Bring the item into view (MakeVisible).
- Attach data to the item (Data and Tag).
- Highlight the item for a specific scenario (Cut and DropTarget).
- Obtain item bounds (DisplayRect).
- Set the item’s hint (Hint).
Members of the TdxCustomListView and TdxListItems classes reference a TdxListItem
See Also