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SwiftPointSeriesView Class

A series view that allows you to quickly render a large number of scatter points.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraCharts

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraCharts.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Charts


public class SwiftPointSeriesView :


The SwiftPointSeriesView is a lightweight analog of the PointSeriesView and is plotted on the SwiftPlotDiagram. The SwiftPointSeriesView supports a limited list of features in comparison with the PointSeriesView. This limitation allows the SwiftPointSeriesView to render points faster, and helps save CPU and RAM resources. For the list of limitations, refer to the following section: View Limitations.

#Main Characteristics

The table below lists the main characteristics of the Swift Point chart type.

Feature Value
Diagram type SwiftPlotDiagram
Number of arguments per series point 1
Number of values per series point 1

#Specific View Options

The SwiftPointSeriesView class introduces the PointMarkerOptions property that allows you to access marker settings such as marker size, kind, fill style, and so on.

#Create a Swift Point Chart

This example shows how to create a Swift Point chart and configure its axes, legend, and appearance at runtime.

A Swift Point chart

Follow the steps below to create a sample Swift Point chart:

using DevExpress.XtraCharts;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace SwiftPointChart {
    public partial class Form1 : Form {
        const int PointsCount = 100000;
        public Form1() {
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            List<Point> data = GenerateData();

            Series series = new Series("Random Data", ViewType.SwiftPoint);
            series.BindToData(data, "X", "Y");

            SwiftPointSeriesView view = (SwiftPointSeriesView)series.View;
            view.Color = Color.FromArgb(180, chartControl1.GetPaletteEntries(1)[0].Color);
            view.PointMarkerOptions.Size = 6;
            view.PointMarkerOptions.Kind = MarkerKind.Square;

            SwiftPlotDiagram diagram = (SwiftPlotDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram;
            diagram.EnableAxisXScrolling = true;
            diagram.EnableAxisXZooming = true;
            diagram.EnableAxisYScrolling = true;
            diagram.EnableAxisYZooming = true;
            diagram.DependentAxesYRange = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True;
            diagram.AxisX.VisualRange.SetMinMaxValues(3460, 3680);
            diagram.AxisY.VisualRange.SetMinMaxValues(400000, 1600000);

            chartControl1.Legend.AlignmentHorizontal = LegendAlignmentHorizontal.Center;
            chartControl1.Legend.AlignmentVertical = LegendAlignmentVertical.TopOutside;
        List<Point> GenerateData() {
            List<Point> data = new List<Point>(PointsCount);
            Random random = new Random(0);
            double value;
            int square, price, maxValue, minValue;
            for (int i = 0; i < PointsCount; i++) {
                value = random.NextDouble();
                value = (Math.Pow(value, 15) + 1.2) * Math.Pow(value, 0.2) / 2.2;
                maxValue = random.Next(10) == 1 ? (int)(random.NextDouble() * 2000 + 4000) : random.Next(1000) + 4500;
                minValue = random.Next(11) == 10 ? 400 : 600;
                square = (int)(value * maxValue + minValue);
                if (random.Next(800 - square / 10) == 1)
                    maxValue = (int)(3000000 * (random.NextDouble() + 1));
                    maxValue = 3 * (int)((Math.Pow(value, 2) + 0.5) * Math.Pow(value, 0.2) * 670000);
                value = random.NextDouble();
                minValue = random.Next(11) == 10 ? 400000 : 200000;
                price = (int)(value * maxValue + minValue);
                if (price > 2000000 * (0.2 * random.NextDouble() + 1) && square < random.Next(1000) + 3500)
                    square += random.Next(2000);
                if (price > 3000000 * (0.2 * random.NextDouble() + 1))
                    square += random.Next(2000);
                data.Add(new Point(square, price));
            return data;

#View Limitations

The following features are not available for the SwiftPointSeriesView:

See Also