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FibonacciIndicator Class

Represents an individual Fibonacci Indicator.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraCharts

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraCharts.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Charts


public class FibonacciIndicator :

The following members return FibonacciIndicator objects:


Objects of the FibonacciIndicator class are contained in the IndicatorCollection returned by the XYDiagram2DSeriesViewBase.Indicators property.

To create a Fibonacci Indicator, it is necessary to specify its FinancialIndicator.Point1 and FinancialIndicator.Point2 properties. And, each point is defined by its FinancialIndicatorPoint.Argument and FinancialIndicatorPoint.ValueLevel properties.

There following Fibonacci Indicator kinds (specified via the FibonacciIndicator.Kind property) are available: Fibonacci Arcs, Fibonacci Fans and Fibonacci Retracement.

The appearance of a Fibonacci Indicator is determined by its Indicator.Color and Indicator.LineStyle properties. And, for the indicator’s additional levels (which depend on the indicator’s kind), the following properties are available: FibonacciIndicator.BaseLevelColor and FibonacciIndicator.BaseLevelLineStyle.

For more information, see Fibonacci Indicators.


This example demonstrates how to create a Fibonacci Indicator of a certain kind (Arcs, Fans or Retracements), and add it to a financial series.

To do this, create an instance of the FibonacciIndicator class, and specify its FibonacciIndicator.Kind property. Then, add this indicator to the series collection of indicators, returned by the XYDiagram2DSeriesViewBase.Indicators property.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraCharts;

namespace FibonacciIndicators {
    public partial class Form1 : Form {
        public Form1() {

        #region Initialization
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            // Create a series.
            Series series = new Series("Stock", ViewType.Stock);
            series.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.DateTime;

            // Populate the series with data.

            // Add it to the chart.

            // Adjust the chart's appearance.
            XYDiagram diagram = (XYDiagram)this.chartControl1.Diagram;
            diagram.AxisY.WholeRange.AlwaysShowZeroLevel = false;
            diagram.AxisX.Label.Staggered = true;

        #region Providing Data
        private void AddPoints(Series series) {
            series.Points.AddRange(new SeriesPoint[] {
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2007, 12, 24), new object[] {110.55, 112, 111.3, 111.65}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2007, 12, 26), new object[] {110.9, 112.09, 110.9, 111.56}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2007, 12, 27), new object[] {109.49, 111.3,  110.53, 109.6}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2007, 12, 28), new object[] {109.108, 110.76, 110.76, 110.09}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2007, 12, 31), new object[] {107.26, 110, 109.51, 108.1}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 2), new object[] {104.17, 108.99, 108.99, 104.69}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 3), new object[] {103.98, 105.57, 104.83, 104.9}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 4), new object[] {100.48, 103.95, 103.95, 101.13}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 7), new object[] {99.03, 101, 100.25, 100.05}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 8), new object[] {97.17, 100.38, 100.05, 97.59}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 9), new object[] {97.16, 99.15, 97.76, 98.31}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 10), new object[] {97.15, 100.86, 97.39, 99.92}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 11), new object[] {97.09, 99.46, 99.2, 97.67}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 14), new object[] {101.33, 105.59, 105.01, 102.93}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 15), new object[] {101.23, 104.04, 102.03, 101.83}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 16), new object[] {100.14, 102.86, 100.14, 101.63}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 17), new object[] {100.05, 103.45, 102, 101.1}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 18), new object[] {102.5, 106.72, 106.72, 103.4}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 22), new object[] {98.55, 103.09, 98.55, 101.22}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 23), new object[] {98.5, 106.335, 99.63, 106.1}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 24), new object[] {104.68, 107.51, 106.38, 106.91}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 25), new object[] {104.1, 107.79, 107.79, 104.52}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 28), new object[] {103.83, 105.77, 104.44, 104.98}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 29), new object[] {104.6, 106.8, 105.5, 106.1}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 30), new object[] {104.855, 107.65, 105.85, 105.65}),
                new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2008, 1, 31), new object[] {103.7, 107.97, 104.21, 107.11})

        #region Processing Button_Click
        private void btnArcs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            AddIndicator(chartControl1.Series[0], FibonacciIndicatorKind.FibonacciArcs);

        private void btnFans_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            AddIndicator(chartControl1.Series[0], FibonacciIndicatorKind.FibonacciFans);

        private void btnRetracements_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            AddIndicator(chartControl1.Series[0], FibonacciIndicatorKind.FibonacciRetracement);

        private void AddIndicator(Series ser, FibonacciIndicatorKind kind) {
            // Get a collection of indicators.
            IndicatorCollection indicators =

            // Clear it.

            // Add a new indicator to it.
            indicators.Add(CreateIndicator(kind, new DateTime(2007, 12, 27), 
                new DateTime(2008, 1, 17), ValueLevel.High));

        private FibonacciIndicator CreateIndicator(FibonacciIndicatorKind kind,
            DateTime arg1, DateTime arg2, ValueLevel level) {

            // Create the Fibonacci Indicator of the specified kind.
            FibonacciIndicator fi = new FibonacciIndicator(kind);

            // Specify its start and end points.
            fi.Point1.Argument = arg1;
            fi.Point1.ValueLevel = level;
            fi.Point2.Argument = arg2;
            fi.Point2.ValueLevel = level;

            // Select the name.
            switch (fi.Kind) {
                case FibonacciIndicatorKind.FibonacciArcs: {
                        fi.Name = "Arcs";
                case FibonacciIndicatorKind.FibonacciFans: {
                        fi.Name = "Fans";
                case FibonacciIndicatorKind.FibonacciRetracement: {
                        fi.Name = "Retracement";

            // Make all its levels visible.
            fi.ShowLevel23_6 = true;
            fi.ShowLevel76_4 = true;
            fi.ShowLevel0 = true;
            fi.ShowLevel100 = true;
            fi.ShowAdditionalLevels = true;

            // Customize its appearance.
            fi.BaseLevelColor = Color.Green;
            fi.BaseLevelLineStyle.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;

            return fi;


See Also