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DevExpress.XtraPrinting Namespace

Contains classes that provide the basic functionality for the XtraPrinting library (bricks, pages, document).

Assemblies: DevExpress.Data.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.Printing.v24.2.Core.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Data, DevExpress.Printing.Core


Name Description
Accessor This class supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
BarCodeBrick A visual brick that contains a barcode.
BookmarkInfo Contains information about a bookmark that is related to a printing brick.
BookmarkNode Represents a bookmark shown in the report’s document map.
BookmarkNodeCollection Represents a document map which contains a collection of all the bookmarks in a document.
Brick The base for all visual brick classes.
BrickBase This class is the basic class for all brick classes.
BrickCollectionBase Serves as the base class for classes that represent collections of bricks.
BrickEventArgsBase Represents the base for all classes that provide data for the brick-related events.
BrickGraphics Implements report drawing functions.
BrickPagePair For internal use. An association of a brick and a page.
BrickSelector static Selects bricks from a document or document page(s).
BrickStringFormat Encapsulates text layout information (such as alignment, orientation and tab stops) and display manipulations (such as ellipsis insertion and national digit substitution).
BrickStyle Represents a report drawing style.
ChangeEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeChange and AfterChange events of the PrintingSystem class and the IPrintingSystem interface.
CharacterCombBrick A visual brick containing text whose characters are displayed in individual cells.
CheckBoxBrick A visual brick containing a check box.
CheckBoxGlyphCollection Stores a custom glyph image for each checkbox state (Checked/Unchecked/Indeterminate).
CheckEditingField An editing field for changing the state of a check box in Print Preview.
CompositeBrick Unites multiple visual bricks and defines how to render contained bricks on a document page.
CreateAreaEventArgs Provides data for all area creation events.
CsvExportOptions Contains options which define how a document is exported to CSV format.
CsvExportOptionsEx Contains options that define how a control is exported to CSV format in data-aware export mode.
Document The rendered and ready-to-print report document.
DocxDocumentOptions Provides options that specify the Document Properties of the resulting DOCX file.
DocxExportOptions Contains options which define how a document is exported to DOCX format.
EditingField Provides the base functionality for fields whose content can be edited in Print Preview.
EditingFieldCollection The collection of fields whose content can be edited in Print Preview.
EditingFieldEditorNames static Specifies editors that can be used for changing control content in Print Preview.
EditingFieldEventArgs Provides data for the PrintingSystemBase.EditingFieldChanged event.
EmailOptions Represents different settings used to specify exporting parameters when a document is exported and sent via e-mail from the Print Preview.
EmptyBrick For internal use. Intended to create indivisible brick groups.
ExceptionEventArgs Provides data for the ExceptionEventArgs.Exception event.
ExportOptions Stores the document export options for different export formats.
ExportOptionsBase Represents the base class for objects which define specific export options.
FormattedTextExportOptions The base for classes that provide options for export to RTF and DOCX formats.
GraphicsDpi Enables you to calculate the DPI values associated with specific units of measure (and vice versa).
GraphicsUnitConverter Enables you to convert values that are calculated in some measure units to different measure units.
HtmlExportOptions Contains options which define how a document is exported to HTML format.
HtmlExportOptionsBase Represents the base class for objects which define export options specific to HTML and MHT formats.
ImageBrick A visual brick containing an image.
ImageEditingField An editing field that allows end-users to change an image content in Print Preview.
ImageExportOptions Contains options which define how a document is exported to an image.
LabelBrick A visual brick that contains a rotated text.
LineBrick A visual brick containing a line.
LinkBase The base class for all printing links.
LinkCollection A collection of Link objects.
MailMessageExportOptions Contains options which define how a document is exported to a mail message.
MarginsChangeEventArgs Provides data for the PrintingSystemBase.BeforeMarginsChange event.
MhtExportOptions Contains options which define how a document is exported to MHT format.
NativeFormatOptions Contains options which define how a document is exported to the native Printing System file format.
Page A single document page.
PageArea Serves as the base for classes that specify information to be displayed in page header and page footer areas.
PageByPageExportOptionsBase Represents the base class for objects which define specific export options for those export formats which support page-by-page export (HTML, MHT and PDF).
PageEventArgs For Internal use. Provides data for the PrintingSystemBase.AfterPagePrint event.
PageFooterArea Represents the object that specifies information to be displayed in a page footer area.
PageHeaderArea Represents the object that specifies information to be displayed in a page header area.
PageHeaderFooter Represents the object, containing information about the page header and page footer areas.
PageImageBrick A visual brick within the page header or page footer section, containing an image.
PageInfoBrick A visual brick which is displayed in the page header or page footer sections, and contains information specific to the current page.
PageInfoDataProviderBase A service that allows the XRPageInfo control to display custom information.
PageInfoTextBrick The base for the PageInfoBrick class.
PageInfoTextBrickBase The base for the PageInfoBrick and PageInfoTextBrick classes.
PageList A collection of Page objects.
PagePaintEventArgs Provides data for the PrintingSystemBase.BeforePagePaint and PrintingSystemBase.AfterPagePaint events.
PageSettingsHelper Enables you to override the default printer settings in your application.
PageTableBrick A visual brick comprised of rows and columns.
PanelBrick A visual brick containing other bricks.
PdfAttachment Represents a file attached to a PDF document.
PdfDocumentOptions Contains options which specify the Document Properties of the created PDF file.
PdfExportOptions Contains options that define how a document is exported to PDF format.
PdfPasswordSecurityOptions Defines the security access options for the exported PDF document.
PdfPermissionsOptions Defines the security permission options for the exported PDF document.
PdfPrintingOptions Contains options that specify how to print PDF content.
PdfSignatureOptions Contains the settings to apply an X.509 certificate to the resulting PDF file to digitally sign the document.
PrintDocumentEventArgs Provides data for the PrintingSystemBase.StartPrint event.
PrinterSettingsUsing Represents options that specify which of the default printer’s settings should be used when printing a document.
PrintingOptions static A static class that contains a set of options that specify how to print visual elements.
PrintingSystemBase The base for classes that provide the basic printing functionality in different environments.
PrintPreviewOptions Represents different settings used to specify how a document is exported from the Print Preview.
PrintProgressEventArgs Provides data for the PrintingSystemBase.PrintProgress and XtraReport.PrintProgress events.
PrintToolBase The base class for the PrintTool class.
ProgressBarBrick A visual brick containing a progress bar.
ProgressReflector Reflects the current state of document printing or exporting.
Recipient Defines the recipient settings.
RecipientCollection A collection of Recipient objects, specifying the list of recipients who are to receive an exported document via email.
RtfExportOptions Contains options which define how a document is exported to RTF format.
ShapeBrick A visual brick containing a shape.
TableRow Represents a row in the PageTableBrick.
TableRowCollection Represents a collection of rows owned by the PageTableBrick.
TextBrick A visual brick that contains text.
TextBrickBase Represents the base class for brick classes which contain text.
TextEditingField An editing field for changing the content of text controls in Print Preview.
TextExportOptions Contains options which define how a document is exported to text.
TextExportOptionsBase Represents the base class for objects which define export options specific for Text and CSV formats.
UserPageBrick An object implementing the IBrick interface that is drawn using the IBrickGraphics.DrawBrick method.
UserVisualBrick A visual brick that is drawn on a page by an object implementing the IBrick interface.
VisualBrick A visual brick that is rendered on a page as a simple rectangle and the base for all other visual bricks.
XlDocumentOptions Provides options that specify the Document Properties of the resulting Excel file.
XlEncryptionOptions Provides the options to encrypt XLS and XLSX files.
XlExportOptionsBase Represents the base class for objects which define export options specific to XLS and XLSX formats.
XlsExportOptions Contains options which define how a document is exported to XLS format.
XlsExportOptionsEx Contains options that define how a document is exported to XLS format in the data-aware export mode.
XlSheetCreatedEventArgs Provides data for the PrintingSystemBase.XlSheetCreated event.
XlsxExportOptions Contains options which define how a document is exported to XLSX format.
XlsxExportOptionsEx Contains options that define how a document is exported to XLSX format in the data-aware export mode.
XpsDocumentOptions Contains options which specify the Document Properties of the created XPS file.
XpsExportOptions Contains options which define how a document is exported to XPS format.
XtraPageSettingsBase The base for classes that provide functionality to print reports.
ZipCodeBrick A visual brick that contains a zip code.


Name Description
IBasePrintable This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
IBrick Provides the basic functionality to draw visual bricks and specify their properties.
IBrickGraphics Provides basic report drawing functions.
ICommandHandler If implemented by a class, provides methods for handling commands in Print Preview.
IDocumentSource For internal use.
IGraphics Provides the essential functionality for document printing.
ILink Provides the basic functionality to create documents that are ready to print.
IPrintControl Provides the basic functionality for the PrintControl component.
IPrintingSystem Provides the base functionality of the XtraPrinting Library.
IPrintingSystemContext For internal use. Provides information about the Printing System.


Name Description
PaddingInfo Contains padding or margin information associated with a control or a brick.


Name Description
BrickEventHandlerBase Represents the base method for all brick-related events.
ChangeEventHandler A method that will handle the BeforeChange and AfterChange events of the PrintingSystem class and the IPrintingSystem interface.
CreateAreaEventHandler A method that will handle all creation events of the Link class.
ExceptionEventHandler A method that will handle the ExceptionEventArgs.Exception event.
MarginsChangeEventHandler A method that will handle the PrintingSystemBase.BeforeMarginsChange event of the PrintingSystem class.
PageEventHandler A method that handles all page events within the XtraPrinting Library.
PagePaintEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the PrintingSystemBase.BeforePagePaint and PrintingSystemBase.AfterPagePaint events.
PrintDocumentEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the PrintingSystemBase.StartPrint event.
PrintProgressEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the PrintingSystemBase.PrintProgress event.


Name Description
ActionAfterExport Specifies whether the resulting file should be automatically opened in the default program, after exporting a document which is currently displayed in the Print Preview.
BorderDashStyle Lists the values used to specify the border’s dash style for an XRControl.
BorderSide Specifies the borders displayed around a brick.
BrickAlignment Specifies brick alignment relative to its layout rectangle.
BrickBorderStyle Specifies the border style for a brick.
BrickModifier Specifies the report section’s modifiers.
BrickStringFormatPrototypeKind Specifies the prototype string format for the BrickStringFormat.
ChangingPermissions Specifies the document changing permissions.
CheckBoxState Specifies the visual state of a check box.
ColumnLayout Lists the values used to specify the column layout direction for a multi-column report.
CommandVisibility Specifies the visibility levels for the printing system commands.
DocxExportMode Lists the available DOCX export modes.
EncodingType Lists the types of encoding to be used when a document is exported to a Text-based format.
ExportFormat Lists the values that specify the available export formats.
ExportOptionKind Specifies the export options items which are displayed when an end-user exports a document from its Print Preview.
ExportTarget Lists the available export formats.
GlyphStyle The checkbox glyph styles enumeration.
HorizontalContentSplitting Lists the available horizontal content splitting modes.
HtmlExportMode Lists the available HTML export modes.
HtmlLineDirection Lists the acceptable line directions for HTML export.
ImageAlignment Specifies the alignment of a displayed image in relation to the container control’s boundaries.
ImageExportMode Lists the available image export modes.
ImageSizeMode Specifies how an image is positioned within a Picture Box.
MarginSide Specifies page margin(s).
PageInfo Contains the values that define what kind of information is displayed in the current PageInfoBrick.
PageViewModes Lists the available page view modes.
PdfACompatibility Lists the values specifying the PDF/A compatibility mode of a document.
PdfAttachmentRelationship Lists the values used to specify the type of relationship between the document and the attachment file.
PdfEncryptionLevel Lists the algorithms that can be used to encrypt PDF data.
PdfJpegImageQuality Specifies how images are exported to PDF format.
PdfUACompatibility Lists values that specify whether a document conforms to the PDF/UA specification.
PrintingPermissions Specifies the document printing permissions.
PrintingSystemActivity Lists the available activity modes that relate to a link’s LinkBase.Activity property.
PrintingSystemCommand Specifies the commands which can be executed in the printing system’s document preview.
RecipientFieldType Lists the values used to specify the field type to which the current recipient belongs.
RtfExportMode Lists the available RTF export modes.
SaveMode Specifies how the file path to export a document is obtained, when exporting a document which is currently displayed in the Print Preview.
SignatureImageDisplayMode Contains settings that specify whether an XRPdfSignature control should show the signature image.
SizeMode Lists the cell size modes supported by the XRCharacterComb control.
TextAlignment Specifies the positioning of text within a control.
TextExportMode Specifies whether to use the formatting of the data fields in the bound dataset for the cells in the exported XLS (or XLSX) document.
TextRenderingMode Lists the values indicating the available text rendering modes.
VerticalContentSplitting Specifies how content bricks are split if they are partially positioned outside the right page margin.
WorkbookColorPaletteCompliance Lists the available modes for color palette compatibility with different workbooks versions.
XlEncryptionType Lists the supported encryption types.
XlIgnoreErrors Lists the document errors that should be ignored by Excel.
XlsExportMode Lists the available XLS export modes.
XlsxExportMode Lists the available XLSX export modes.
XpsCompressionOption Lists the values used to specify the compression level of the XPS document.
XRPdfRenderingEngine Specifies the engine that renders PDF content.