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Core Library Assemblies

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The content of cross-platform assemblies is described in the API Reference section.

Assembly Name Description
DevExpress.Data.v24.2.dll Implements the most basic functionality common to all DevExpress controls. This includes classes for data binding, skinning, printing, exporting, as well as many other auxiliary types and resources.
DevExpress.DataAccess.v24.2.dll Contains classes that utilize the most popular approaches to access different data providers.
DevExpress.Diagram.v24.2.Core.dll Contains internal classes that implement the basic functionality for DevExpress diagram controls.
DevExpress.Drawing.v24.2.Core.dll Implements the basic graphics functionality.
DevExpress.Map.v24.2.Core.dll Contains internal classes that implement the basic functionality for WinForms Map and WPF Map controls.
DevExpress.Office.v24.2.Core.dll Contains base classes common for Office File API and Office controls.
DevExpress.Printing.v24.2.Core.dll Contains classes that implement the basic functionality for DevExpress printing libraries.
DevExpress.Sparkline.v24.2.Core.dll Contains base classes that implement the core functionality of DevExpress Sparkline controls.
DevExpress.SpellChecker.v24.2.Core.dll Contains an assortment of internal classes that implement the basic spell-checker functionality of WinForms SpellChecker, ASP.NET SpellChecker, and WPF SpellChecker controls.
DevExpress.TreeMap.v24.2.Core.dll Contains all common classes that WinForms TreeMap Control, WPF TreeMap Control, and WinForms Sunburst Control require to function.
DevExpress.Xpo.v24.2.dll Contains classes that support the infrastructure of the eXpress Persistent Objects (XPO).
DevExpress.XtraCharts.v24.2.dll Contains a public API for WinForms ChartControl, ASP.NET WebChartControl, ASP.NET MVC Chart extension, and Chart for Reports. Chart for Spreadsheet and WinForms Dashboard Chart require this library to function.
DevExpress.XtraGauges.v24.2.Core.dll Contains common algorithms for drawing gauges in different platforms for XtraGauges and ASPxGauges.
DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.2.Core.dll Contains main classes that implement the basic functionality of WinForms Scheduler, ASP.NET Scheduler, and WPF Scheduler controls.