DevExpress.DataAccess.EntityFramework Namespace
Contains classes that support binding to Entity Framework data sources.
Assembly: DevExpress.DataAccess.v24.1.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.DataAccess, DevExpress.Win.PivotGrid, DevExpress.Win.TreeMap
Name | Description |
BeforeLoadCustomAssemblyEventArgs | Provides data for the EFDataSource.BeforeLoadCustomAssembly and EFDataSource.BeforeLoadCustomAssemblyGlobal events. |
CustomAssemblyLoadingProhibitedException | An exception thrown on an attempt to load a custom assembly by an Entity Framework data source when it was not permitted to do this. |
DBSetFilter | A filter applied to an Entity Framework DBSet. |
EFConnectionException | A wrapper for exceptions that may occur during a connection to an Entity Framework data source. |
EFConnectionParameters | Contains parameters used to establish a connection to an Entity Framework data source. |
EFDataConnection | A connection to an Entity Framework data source. |
EFDataSource | An Entity Framework data source. |
EFFiltersCollection | A collection of Entity Framework data source filters. |
EFParameter | A parameter passed to a stored procedure by an EFDataSource. |
EFParameterCollection | A collection of EFParameter objects. |
EFStoredProcedureInfo | Contains information about a stored procedure provided by an EFDataSource. |
EFStoredProcedureInfoCollection | A collection of stored procedures provided by an EFDataSource. |
Name | Description |
BeforeLoadCustomAssemblyEventHandler | A method that will handle the EFDataSource.BeforeLoadCustomAssembly event. |