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DevExpress.XtraScheduler Namespace

Contains classes which are used to implement the main functionality of the Scheduler.

Assemblies: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.2.Core.dll, DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.2.Core.Desktop.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Scheduler.Core, DevExpress.Scheduler.CoreDesktop


Name Description
AgendaViewAppointmentDisplayOptions Contains options which define how appointments are displayed when the currently active view is the Agenda View.
AppointmentBaseCollection A collection of appointments.
AppointmentCancelEventArgs Serves as the base class for classes which provide data for certain appointment events with the ability to cancel the operation performed.
AppointmentCollection A collection of appointments.
AppointmentConflictEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerControl.AllowAppointmentConflicts event.
AppointmentCustomFieldMapping Mapping of a custom appointment property to a data field.
AppointmentCustomFieldMappingCollection Represents a collection of mappings of the custom properties of appointments to appropriate data fields.
AppointmentDependencyBaseCollection A collection of appoinment dependencies.
AppointmentDependencyCollection A collection of appointment dependencies.
AppointmentDependencyCustomFieldMapping Specifies mapping of a custom property of an appointment dependency to an appropriate data field.
AppointmentDependencyCustomFieldMappingCollection A collection of mappings of the custom properties of appointments to appropriate data fields.
AppointmentDependencyMappingInfo Provides information on the mapping of the appointment dependency properties to the appropriate data fields.
AppointmentDisplayOptions Serves as the base for classes which provide options to define how appointments are displayed when a particular view is currently active.
AppointmentDisplayTextEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerControl.InitAppointmentDisplayText event.
AppointmentDragDropOptionsBase The base class for options available for drag-and-drop operations with appointments in the scheduler.
AppointmentDragEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerControl.AppointmentDrag event.
AppointmentDragInfo Provides information on appointments involved in drag-and-drop operations.
AppointmentEventArgs Serves as the base class for classes which provide data for certain appointment events.
AppointmentExportedEventArgs Provides data for the AppointmentExporter.AppointmentExported event.
AppointmentExportingEventArgs Provides data for the AppointmentExporter.AppointmentExporting event.
AppointmentImportedEventArgs Provides data for the AppointmentImporter.AppointmentImported event.
AppointmentImportingEventArgs Provides data for the AppointmentImporter.AppointmentImporting event.
AppointmentMappingInfo Contains mappings of the appointment properties to the appropriate data fields.
AppointmentOperationEventArgs Provides data for the AllowAppointment events of the SchedulerControl.
AppointmentResizeEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerControl.AppointmentResizing and SchedulerControl.AppointmentResized events.
AppointmentResourceIdCollection A collection of resource identifiers.
AppointmentStorageBase A base class that represents a storage to hold a collection of appointments.
AppointmentSynchronizedEventArgs Provides data for the AppointmentSynchronizer.AppointmentSynchronized event.
AppointmentSynchronizingEventArgs Provides data for the AppointmentSynchronizer.AppointmentSynchronizing event.
CancelListChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerStorageBase.AppointmentCollectionAutoReloading and SchedulerStorageBase.ResourceCollectionAutoReloading events.
CellsAutoHeightOptions Options that configure automatic time cell height.
CustomFieldCollection A collection of custom fields bound to objects contained in the Scheduler storage.
CustomFieldMappingBase<T> Serves as the base class for classes that provide mapping of the custom properties of persistent objects (appointments or resources) to appropriate data fields.
CustomFieldMappingCollectionBase<T> Serves as the base class for classes that represent collections of custom mappings of the properties of persistent objects (appointments or resources).
CustomizeMessageBoxCaptionEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerControl.CustomizeMessageBoxCaption and SchedulerControl.CustomizeMessageBoxCaption events.
DateNavigatorQueryActiveViewTypeEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerControl.DateNavigatorQueryActiveViewType and SchedulerControl.DateNavigatorQueryActiveViewType events.
DayIntervalCollection Contains time intervals of a fixed one day duration.
DayViewAppointmentDisplayOptions A base class containing options which define how appointments are displayed in the Day View and descendants.
EmptyResourceId Provides a static method to obtain the identifier of an empty resource.
ExchangeAppointmentEventArgs Provides data for the AppointmentExchanger.GetAppointmentForeignId event.
ExchangeExceptionEventArgs Provides data for the AppointmentExchanger.OnException event.
FetchAppointmentsEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerStorageBase.FetchAppointments event.
FixedDurationIntervalCollection A base class for collections which contain time intervals of the fixed duration (day or week).
GanttViewAppointmentDisplayOptions Provides options which define how appointments are displayed within the Gantt view.
MappingBase Serves as the base class for classes that provide mapping of the properties of persistent objects (appointments or resources) to appropriate data fields.
MappingCollection Represents a collection of mappings of the persistent properties of persistent objects (appointments or resources) to appropriate data fields.
MappingInfoBase<T> Serves as the base class for classes which represent mappings of data fields to default persistent object’s properties.
MonthIntervalCollection Contains time intervals of a month duration.
MonthViewAppointmentDisplayOptions A base class containing options which define how appointments are displayed in the Month View and descendants.
MoreButtonClickedEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerControl.MoreButtonClicked event.
OccurrenceCalculator Enables you to calculate the occurrences for a given recurrent appointment.
OptionsSelectionBehavior Provides options which define how the selection behaves when the time scale is changed for the TimelineView.
OriginalOccurrenceDateHelper static Static class used to update data source fields mapped to the Appointment.OriginalOccurrenceStart and Appointment.OriginalOccurrenceEnd properties.
PersistentObject Base class for appointments, resources and AppointmentDependency objects.
PersistentObjectCancelEventArgs Provides data for the persistent object events of the SchedulerStorage that have a cancel option.
PersistentObjectEventArgs Provides data for the persistent object events of the SchedulerStorage.
PersistentObjectsEventArgs Provides data for the persistent objects events of the SchedulerStorage.
PersistentObjectStorage<T> Represents a base class for the storage of persistent objects (appointments and resources).
QueryResourceColorSchemaEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerControl.QueryResourceColorSchema and SchedulerControl.QueryResourceColorSchema events.
QueryWorkTimeEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerControl.QueryWorkTime event.
RangeControlAdjustEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerControl.RangeControlAutoAdjusting event.
RecurrenceInfo Contains a recurring appointment’s reoccurrence information.
RecurringReminder Represents a reminder for a recurring appointment.
Reminder Represents a reminder for a non-recurring appointment.
ReminderAlertNotification Contains information related to the reminder alert.
ReminderAlertNotificationCollection Represents a collection of alert notifications.
ReminderBase Serves as the base for classes which represent reminders for non-recurring and recurring appointments.
ReminderBaseAlertNotification Represents a reminder alert notification.
ReminderBaseAlertNotificationCollection Represents a collection of alert notifications.
ReminderBaseEventArgs Serves as the base class for classes which provide data for certain reminder events.
ReminderCancelEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerStorageBase.FilterReminderAlert event.
ReminderCollection Represents a collection of reminders.
ReminderEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerStorageBase.ReminderAlert event.
RemindersFormDefaultActionEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerControl.RemindersFormDefaultAction event.
ResourceBaseCollection A collection of resources for appointments.
ResourceCollection Represents a resource collection.
ResourceCustomFieldMapping Represents a mapping of a custom property of a resource to an appropriate data field.
ResourceCustomFieldMappingCollection Represents a collection of mappings of the custom properties of resources to appropriate data fields.
ResourceEmpty static Provides static methods to obtain the empty resource and its identifier.
ResourceIdCollection Represents a collection of resource IDs.
ResourceMappingInfo Provides information on the mapping of the resource’s properties to the data source fields.
ResourceStorageBase A base class that represents a storage to hold a collection of resources for appointments.
SchedulerColumnPadding Represents a storage for the parameters used to specify the distance from the appointmernt’s boundary to the column’s inner border in the Day View
SchedulerCompatibility static Contains static properties used to ensure backward compatibility.
SchedulerControlCompatibility static Contains options which can be specified to ensure compatibility with previous versions.
SchedulerDragData Contains data passed to the target SchedulerControl in the drag-and-drop operation.
SchedulerNavigationButtonOptions Provides options which define certain characteristics of Navigation Buttons.
SchedulerNotificationOptions Provides notification options for the Scheduler control.
SchedulerOptionsBehaviorBase Serves as a base class for classes that control certain basic characteristics of the scheduler.
SchedulerOptionsCustomization Provides customization options for the Scheduler control.
SchedulerOptionsViewBase Defines a base class for view options for the Scheduler control.
SchedulerResourceHeaderOptionsBase Base class that provides resource header options for the Scheduler control on different platforms.
SchedulerStorageBase Serves as a base class for a class that represents a storage which holds data for the XtraScheduler control.
SchedulerUnhandledExceptionEventArgs Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.UnhandledException and AppointmentStorageBase.LoadException events.
SelectionBarOptions Provides options which define how the selection bar in the Timeline View is painted.
TimeIndicatorDisplayOptionsBase A base class for options which determine how the Time Indicator is displayed in the Scheduler view on different platforms.
TimeInterval A time interval object.
TimeIntervalCollection A collection of time intervals.
TimeIntervalCollectionEx Represents an advanced collection of time intervals.
TimeIntervalEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerStorageBase.FetchAppointments event.
TimelineViewAppointmentDisplayOptions Provides options which define how appointments are displayed when the currently active view is the Timeline View.
TimeOfDayInterval A time interval within a day.
TimeOfDayIntervalCollection Represents a collection of time intervals for a single day.
TimeRuler A time ruler.
TimeRulerCollection Represents a collection of time rulers.
TimeScale Serves as the base class for classes which are time scales in the Timeline view.
TimeScale15Minutes A time scale whose time cell value is equal to 15 minutes.
TimeScaleCollection Represents a collection of time scales in the timeline view.
TimeScaleDay Represents a time scale whose time cell value is equal to a single day.
TimeScaleFixedInterval Serves as a base for the classes for which TimeScaleFixedInterval.Value is a fixed time interval.
TimeScaleHour Represents a time scale whose time cell value is equal to a single hour.
TimeScaleMonth Represents a time scale whose time cell value is equal to a single month.
TimeScaleQuarter Represents a time scale whose time cell value is equal to a quarter of a year.
TimeScaleWeek Represents a time scale whose time cell value is equal to a single week.
TimeScaleYear Represents a time scale whose time cell value is equal to a single year.
TimeSlot An individual time slot item.
TimeSlotCollection A collection of time slots.
TimeZoneHelper A class implemented for time zone conversion.
UserInterfaceObject Represents a base class for certain user interface objects.
UserInterfaceObjectCollection<T> Represents a base collection for user interface objects.
VisibleResourcesChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SchedulerControl.VisibleResourcesChanged and the SchedulerControl.VisibleResourcesChanged events.
WeekDaysWorkDay Represents a class that defines which days of the week are the work days.
WeekIntervalCollection A collection that contains time intervals of a fixed one week duration.
WeekViewAppointmentDisplayOptions A base class containing options which define how appointments are displayed in the Week View and its descendants.
WorkDaysCollection Represents a collection of dates, for which the information regarding a working activity is known.
WorkTimeInterval A time interval that can be used instead of the TimeOfDayInterval class to specify the work time within a day.


Name Description
Appointment An interface that defines an appointment in the Scheduler.
AppointmentDependency A dependency established between tasks (Appointment objects) in the Gantt view.
IAppointmentDependencyFactory Provides methods for creating appointment dependencies.
IAppointmentDependencyStorage An interface of a storage which holds a collection of appointment dependencies.
IAppointmentFactory Provides methods for creating appointments.
IAppointmentLabel Platform-independent interface that defines the appointment label.
IAppointmentLabelStorage An interface that defines a storage which holds appointment labels.
IAppointmentStatus Platform-independent interface that defines appointment statuses.
IAppointmentStatusStorage An interface that defines a storage which holds appointment statuses.
IAppointmentStorageBase A platform-independent base interface that defines a storage which holds appointments.
IIdProvider An interface that defines a method to supply an object identifier. Implemented in Scheduler objects which have identifiers (almost all persistent and user interface objects).
IPersistentObject A base interface for the Scheduler persistent objects (appointments, resources, appointment dependencies).
IPersistentObjectStorage<T> Base interface that defines a storage which holds persistent objects.
IRecurrenceInfo A base interface that defines recurrence information.
IResourceFactory Provides methods for creating resources.
IResourceStorageBase A base interface that defines a storage which holds resources for appointments.
ISchedulerColorSchemaCollection<T> A base interface which defines a generic collection of color schemas.
ISchedulerInplaceEditorEx The interface is designed for implementing a custom in-place editor.
ISchedulerMappingConverter Enables you to apply custom logic to a mapping.
ISchedulerStorageBase A base platform-independent interface that defines a storage which holds the Scheduler data.
Resource Defines a common attribute which can be assigned to appointments to group them.


Name Description
AppointmentConflictEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SchedulerControl.AllowAppointmentConflicts event.
AppointmentDisplayTextEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SchedulerControl.InitAppointmentDisplayText event.
AppointmentDragEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SchedulerControl.AppointmentDrag event.
AppointmentEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SchedulerControl.InitNewAppointment event.
AppointmentExportedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the AppointmentExporter.AppointmentExported event.
AppointmentExportingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the AppointmentExporter.AppointmentExporting event.
AppointmentImportedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the AppointmentImporter.AppointmentImported event.
AppointmentImportingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the AppointmentImporter.AppointmentImporting event.
AppointmentOperationEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the AllowAppointment events of the SchedulerControl.
AppointmentResizeEventHandler Represents a method that will handle events associated with appointment resizing.
AppointmentSynchronizedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the AppointmentSynchronizer.AppointmentSynchronized event.
AppointmentSynchronizingEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the AppointmentSynchronizer.AppointmentSynchronizing event.
CancelListChangedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SchedulerStorageBase.AppointmentCollectionAutoReloading and SchedulerStorageBase.ResourceCollectionAutoReloading events.
CustomizeMessageBoxCaptionEventHandler A method that will handle the SchedulerControl.CustomizeMessageBoxCaption and SchedulerControl.CustomizeMessageBoxCaption events.
DateNavigatorQueryActiveViewTypeHandler A method that will handle the SchedulerControl.DateNavigatorQueryActiveViewType, SchedulerControl.DateNavigatorQueryActiveViewType and ASPxScheduler.DateNavigatorQueryActiveViewType events.
ExchangeAppointmentEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the AppointmentExchanger.GetAppointmentForeignId event.
ExchangeExceptionEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the events associated with the AppointmentExchanger.OnException event.
FetchAppointmentsEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SchedulerStorageBase.FetchAppointments event.
MoreButtonClickedEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SchedulerControl.MoreButtonClicked event.
PersistentObjectCancelEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the persistent object events of the SchedulerStorage that have a cancel option.
PersistentObjectEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the persistent object events of the SchedulerStorage.
PersistentObjectsEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the persistent objects events of the SchedulerStorage.
QueryResourceColorSchemaEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SchedulerControl.QueryResourceColorSchema and SchedulerControl.QueryResourceColorSchema events.
QueryWorkTimeEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SchedulerControl.QueryWorkTime event.
RangeControlAdjustEventHandler A method that will handle the SchedulerControl.RangeControlAutoAdjusting event.
ReminderEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SchedulerStorageBase.ReminderAlert event.
RemindersFormDefaultActionEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SchedulerControl.RemindersFormDefaultAction event.
SchedulerUnhandledExceptionEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the ASPxScheduler.UnhandledException event.
TimeIntervalEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the SchedulerStorageBase.FetchAppointments event.
VisibleResourcesChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the SchedulerControl.VisibleResourcesChanged and SchedulerControl.VisibleResourcesChanged events.


Name Description
AllowDisplayAppointmentDependencyForm Lists the values used to specify whether the Appointment Dependency dialog can be displayed or not.
AllowDisplayAppointmentForm Lists the values used to specify whether the Edit Appointment form can be displayed or not.
AppointmentConflictsMode Lists the modes which specify if appointments conflicts are allowed.
AppointmentContinueArrowDisplayType Lists the values used to specify the type of sign to indicate that the scheduled time continues beyond the visible interval of dates.
AppointmentDependencySelectionChangeAction Specifies how the selection is applied to the specified appointment dependency.
AppointmentDependencyType Specifies when a task should start and end in relation to another task.
AppointmentSelectionChangeAction Specifies how the selection is applied to the specified appointment.
AppointmentSnapToCellsMode Lists the modes of appointment fit in the time cell(s) by stretching it to the cell’s limits.
AppointmentStatusDisplayType Lists the values used to specify how the appointment status is displayed within an appointment.
AppointmentStatusType Lists the appointment status types.
AppointmentTimeDisplayType Lists the values used to specify how the start and end time are displayed within appointments.
AppointmentTimeVisibility Lists the values used to specify the visibility state of the start and end time within appointments.
AppointmentType Lists the types of appointment.
ColorSavingType Lists the allowed color representation formats.
DateTimeSavingMode Lists modes which affect how the Start and End appointment values are stored in the data source.
DstBehaviorType Lists the types of behavior that can be set to the reminder if it falls in the Daylight Saving Time shift - a non-existing time interval on the Daylight Saving Time start date, usually between 2:00:00 and 2:59:59 AM.
FieldValueType Contains values that specify the data type of the mapped data column in the unbound mode.
FirstDayOfWeek Lists the days which can be used to specify the first day of the week.
HeaderImageAlign Specifies how an image is positioned relative to the text within a resource header.
HeaderImageSizeMode Specifies how an image is positioned within a resource header.
MappingConversionBehavior Lists converter locations in the data processing chain.
MouseWheelScrollAction Lists scrolling interpretations for the bidirectional mouse wheel.
NavigationButtonVisibility Lists the modes that define the conditions for the Navigation Buttons being displayed.
PercentCompleteDisplayType Specifies how the percentage of completion is displayed for appointments (tasks) within the Gantt view.
QueryDeleteAppointmentResult Obsolete. Lists the keys specifying which appointment occurrences should be deleted.
RangeControlDataDisplayType Lists the values used to specify how appointment data should be displayed within a RangeControl when it is bound to a SchedulerControl.
RecurrenceRange Lists the types of recurrence range.
RecurrenceType Lists the types of recurrent appointments.
RecurrentAppointmentAction Lists actions which could be performed on a recurrent appointment.
RemindersFormDefaultAction Lists the types of default actions which can be applied after the Reminders form is closed.
ResizedSide Lists appointment boundaries which could be moved when the appointment is being resized.
ResourceNavigatorVisibility Lists the visibility modes of the resource navigator.
SchedulerGroupType Lists the grouping type used in the scheduler.
SchedulerMenuItemId Lists items that can be used in the context menus of a Scheduler.
SchedulerScrollBarVisibility Lists modes that determine the vertical scrollbar visibility in the Timeline view and in all-day area of the Day view.
SchedulerViewType Lists the view types for a scheduler.
SynchronizeOperation Lists the values used to specify the currently performed operation when synchronizing the scheduler’s data.
TimeIndicatorVisibility Lists modes used to display the Time Indicator visual element in the Scheduler view.
TimeMarkerVisibility Lists modes which determine how the time marker on the TimeRuler is displayed.
TimeRulerHorizontalAlignment Specifies the alignment of the Time ruler relative to the scheduler view.
ToolTipVisibility Lists the visibility mode of the scheduler’s tooltips.
UpdateSelectionDurationAction Specifies how the selection extends when the time scale is changed to a larger one.
UsedAppointmentType Lists values which specify restrictions for end-users on which appointments can be used in particular events.
WeekDays Lists days and groups of days for recurrence patterns.
WeekOfMonth Lists the week in a month in which the event will occur.