DevExpress.XtraScheduler Namespace
Contains classes which are used to implement the main functionality of the Scheduler.
Assemblies: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.1.Core.dll, DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.1.Core.Desktop.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Scheduler.Core, DevExpress.Scheduler.CoreDesktop
Name | Description |
AgendaViewAppointmentDisplayOptions | Contains options which define how appointments are displayed when the currently active view is the Agenda View. |
AppointmentBaseCollection | A collection of appointments. |
AppointmentCancelEventArgs | Serves as the base class for classes which provide data for certain appointment events with the ability to cancel the operation performed. |
AppointmentCollection | A collection of appointments. |
AppointmentConflictEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.AllowAppointmentConflicts event. |
AppointmentCustomFieldMapping | Mapping of a custom appointment property to a data field. |
AppointmentCustomFieldMappingCollection | Represents a collection of mappings of the custom properties of appointments to appropriate data fields. |
AppointmentDependencyBaseCollection | A collection of appoinment dependencies. |
AppointmentDependencyCollection | A collection of appointment dependencies. |
AppointmentDependencyCustomFieldMapping | Specifies mapping of a custom property of an appointment dependency to an appropriate data field. |
AppointmentDependencyCustomFieldMappingCollection | A collection of mappings of the custom properties of appointments to appropriate data fields. |
AppointmentDependencyMappingInfo | Provides information on the mapping of the appointment dependency properties to the appropriate data fields. |
AppointmentDisplayOptions | Serves as the base for classes which provide options to define how appointments are displayed when a particular view is currently active. |
AppointmentDisplayTextEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.InitAppointmentDisplayText event. |
AppointmentDragDropOptionsBase | The base class for options available for drag-and-drop operations with appointments in the scheduler. |
AppointmentDragEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.AppointmentDrag event. |
AppointmentDragInfo | Provides information on appointments involved in drag-and-drop operations. |
AppointmentEventArgs | Serves as the base class for classes which provide data for certain appointment events. |
AppointmentExportedEventArgs | Provides data for the AppointmentExporter.AppointmentExported event. |
AppointmentExportingEventArgs | Provides data for the AppointmentExporter.AppointmentExporting event. |
AppointmentImportedEventArgs | Provides data for the AppointmentImporter.AppointmentImported event. |
AppointmentImportingEventArgs | Provides data for the AppointmentImporter.AppointmentImporting event. |
AppointmentMappingInfo | Contains mappings of the appointment properties to the appropriate data fields. |
AppointmentOperationEventArgs | Provides data for the AllowAppointment events of the SchedulerControl. |
AppointmentResizeEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.AppointmentResizing and SchedulerControl.AppointmentResized events. |
AppointmentResourceIdCollection | A collection of resource identifiers. |
AppointmentStorageBase | A base class that represents a storage to hold a collection of appointments. |
AppointmentSynchronizedEventArgs | Provides data for the AppointmentSynchronizer.AppointmentSynchronized event. |
AppointmentSynchronizingEventArgs | Provides data for the AppointmentSynchronizer.AppointmentSynchronizing event. |
CancelListChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerStorageBase.AppointmentCollectionAutoReloading and SchedulerStorageBase.ResourceCollectionAutoReloading events. |
CellsAutoHeightOptions | Options that configure automatic time cell height. |
CustomFieldCollection | A collection of custom fields bound to objects contained in the Scheduler storage. |
CustomFieldMappingBase<T> | Serves as the base class for classes that provide mapping of the custom properties of persistent objects (appointments or resources) to appropriate data fields. |
CustomFieldMappingCollectionBase<T> | Serves as the base class for classes that represent collections of custom mappings of the properties of persistent objects (appointments or resources). |
CustomizeMessageBoxCaptionEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.CustomizeMessageBoxCaption and SchedulerControl.CustomizeMessageBoxCaption events. |
DateNavigatorQueryActiveViewTypeEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.DateNavigatorQueryActiveViewType and SchedulerControl.DateNavigatorQueryActiveViewType events. |
DayIntervalCollection | Contains time intervals of a fixed one day duration. |
DayViewAppointmentDisplayOptions | A base class containing options which define how appointments are displayed in the Day View and descendants. |
EmptyResourceId | Provides a static method to obtain the identifier of an empty resource. |
ExchangeAppointmentEventArgs | Provides data for the AppointmentExchanger.GetAppointmentForeignId event. |
ExchangeExceptionEventArgs | Provides data for the AppointmentExchanger.OnException event. |
FetchAppointmentsEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerStorageBase.FetchAppointments event. |
FixedDurationIntervalCollection | A base class for collections which contain time intervals of the fixed duration (day or week). |
GanttViewAppointmentDisplayOptions | Provides options which define how appointments are displayed within the Gantt view. |
MappingBase | Serves as the base class for classes that provide mapping of the properties of persistent objects (appointments or resources) to appropriate data fields. |
MappingCollection | Represents a collection of mappings of the persistent properties of persistent objects (appointments or resources) to appropriate data fields. |
MappingInfoBase<T> | Serves as the base class for classes which represent mappings of data fields to default persistent object’s properties. |
MonthIntervalCollection | Contains time intervals of a month duration. |
MonthViewAppointmentDisplayOptions | A base class containing options which define how appointments are displayed in the Month View and descendants. |
MoreButtonClickedEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.MoreButtonClicked event. |
OccurrenceCalculator | Enables you to calculate the occurrences for a given recurrent appointment. |
OptionsSelectionBehavior | Provides options which define how the selection behaves when the time scale is changed for the TimelineView. |
OriginalOccurrenceDateHelper static | Static class used to update data source fields mapped to the Appointment.OriginalOccurrenceStart and Appointment.OriginalOccurrenceEnd properties. |
PersistentObject | Base class for appointments, resources and AppointmentDependency objects. |
PersistentObjectCancelEventArgs | Provides data for the persistent object events of the SchedulerStorage that have a cancel option. |
PersistentObjectEventArgs | Provides data for the persistent object events of the SchedulerStorage. |
PersistentObjectsEventArgs | Provides data for the persistent objects events of the SchedulerStorage. |
PersistentObjectStorage<T> | Represents a base class for the storage of persistent objects (appointments and resources). |
QueryResourceColorSchemaEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.QueryResourceColorSchema and SchedulerControl.QueryResourceColorSchema events. |
QueryWorkTimeEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.QueryWorkTime event. |
RangeControlAdjustEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.RangeControlAutoAdjusting event. |
RecurrenceInfo | Contains a recurring appointment’s reoccurrence information. |
RecurringReminder | Represents a reminder for a recurring appointment. |
Reminder | Represents a reminder for a non-recurring appointment. |
ReminderAlertNotification | Contains information related to the reminder alert. |
ReminderAlertNotificationCollection | Represents a collection of alert notifications. |
ReminderBase | Serves as the base for classes which represent reminders for non-recurring and recurring appointments. |
ReminderBaseAlertNotification | Represents a reminder alert notification. |
ReminderBaseAlertNotificationCollection | Represents a collection of alert notifications. |
ReminderBaseEventArgs | Serves as the base class for classes which provide data for certain reminder events. |
ReminderCancelEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerStorageBase.FilterReminderAlert event. |
ReminderCollection | Represents a collection of reminders. |
ReminderEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerStorageBase.ReminderAlert event. |
RemindersFormDefaultActionEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.RemindersFormDefaultAction event. |
ResourceBaseCollection | A collection of resources for appointments. |
ResourceCollection | Represents a resource collection. |
ResourceCustomFieldMapping | Represents a mapping of a custom property of a resource to an appropriate data field. |
ResourceCustomFieldMappingCollection | Represents a collection of mappings of the custom properties of resources to appropriate data fields. |
ResourceEmpty static | Provides static methods to obtain the empty resource and its identifier. |
ResourceIdCollection | Represents a collection of resource IDs. |
ResourceMappingInfo | Provides information on the mapping of the resource’s properties to the data source fields. |
ResourceStorageBase | A base class that represents a storage to hold a collection of resources for appointments. |
SchedulerColumnPadding | Represents a storage for the parameters used to specify the distance from the appointmernt’s boundary to the column’s inner border in the Day View |
SchedulerCompatibility static | Contains static properties used to ensure backward compatibility. |
SchedulerControlCompatibility static | Contains options which can be specified to ensure compatibility with previous versions. |
SchedulerDragData | Contains data passed to the target SchedulerControl in the drag-and-drop operation. |
SchedulerNavigationButtonOptions | Provides options which define certain characteristics of Navigation Buttons. |
SchedulerNotificationOptions | Provides notification options for the Scheduler control. |
SchedulerOptionsBehaviorBase | Serves as a base class for classes that control certain basic characteristics of the scheduler. |
SchedulerOptionsCustomization | Provides customization options for the Scheduler control. |
SchedulerOptionsViewBase | Defines a base class for view options for the Scheduler control. |
SchedulerResourceHeaderOptionsBase | Base class that provides resource header options for the Scheduler control on different platforms. |
SchedulerStorageBase | Serves as a base class for a class that represents a storage which holds data for the XtraScheduler control. |
SchedulerUnhandledExceptionEventArgs | Provides data for the ASPxScheduler.UnhandledException and AppointmentStorageBase.LoadException events. |
SelectionBarOptions | Provides options which define how the selection bar in the Timeline View is painted. |
TimeIndicatorDisplayOptionsBase | A base class for options which determine how the Time Indicator is displayed in the Scheduler view on different platforms. |
TimeInterval | A time interval object. |
TimeIntervalCollection | A collection of time intervals. |
TimeIntervalCollectionEx | Represents an advanced collection of time intervals. |
TimeIntervalEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerStorageBase.FetchAppointments event. |
TimelineViewAppointmentDisplayOptions | Provides options which define how appointments are displayed when the currently active view is the Timeline View. |
TimeOfDayInterval | A time interval within a day. |
TimeOfDayIntervalCollection | Represents a collection of time intervals for a single day. |
TimeRuler | A time ruler. |
TimeRulerCollection | Represents a collection of time rulers. |
TimeScale | Serves as the base class for classes which are time scales in the Timeline view. |
TimeScale15Minutes | A time scale whose time cell value is equal to 15 minutes. |
TimeScaleCollection | Represents a collection of time scales in the timeline view. |
TimeScaleDay | Represents a time scale whose time cell value is equal to a single day. |
TimeScaleFixedInterval | Serves as a base for the classes for which TimeScaleFixedInterval.Value is a fixed time interval. |
TimeScaleHour | Represents a time scale whose time cell value is equal to a single hour. |
TimeScaleMonth | Represents a time scale whose time cell value is equal to a single month. |
TimeScaleQuarter | Represents a time scale whose time cell value is equal to a quarter of a year. |
TimeScaleWeek | Represents a time scale whose time cell value is equal to a single week. |
TimeScaleYear | Represents a time scale whose time cell value is equal to a single year. |
TimeSlot | An individual time slot item. |
TimeSlotCollection | A collection of time slots. |
TimeZoneHelper | A class implemented for time zone conversion. |
UserInterfaceObject | Represents a base class for certain user interface objects. |
UserInterfaceObjectCollection<T> | Represents a base collection for user interface objects. |
VisibleResourcesChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SchedulerControl.VisibleResourcesChanged and the SchedulerControl.VisibleResourcesChanged events. |
WeekDaysWorkDay | Represents a class that defines which days of the week are the work days. |
WeekIntervalCollection | A collection that contains time intervals of a fixed one week duration. |
WeekViewAppointmentDisplayOptions | A base class containing options which define how appointments are displayed in the Week View and its descendants. |
WorkDaysCollection | Represents a collection of dates, for which the information regarding a working activity is known. |
WorkTimeInterval | A time interval that can be used instead of the TimeOfDayInterval class to specify the work time within a day. |
Name | Description |
Appointment | An interface that defines an appointment in the Scheduler. |
AppointmentDependency | A dependency established between tasks (Appointment objects) in the Gantt view. |
IAppointmentDependencyFactory | Provides methods for creating appointment dependencies. |
IAppointmentDependencyStorage | An interface of a storage which holds a collection of appointment dependencies. |
IAppointmentFactory | Provides methods for creating appointments. |
IAppointmentLabel | Platform-independent interface that defines the appointment label. |
IAppointmentLabelStorage | An interface that defines a storage which holds appointment labels. |
IAppointmentStatus | Platform-independent interface that defines appointment statuses. |
IAppointmentStatusStorage | An interface that defines a storage which holds appointment statuses. |
IAppointmentStorageBase | A platform-independent base interface that defines a storage which holds appointments. |
IIdProvider | An interface that defines a method to supply an object identifier. Implemented in Scheduler objects which have identifiers (almost all persistent and user interface objects). |
IPersistentObject | A base interface for the Scheduler persistent objects (appointments, resources, appointment dependencies). |
IPersistentObjectStorage<T> | Base interface that defines a storage which holds persistent objects. |
IRecurrenceInfo | A base interface that defines recurrence information. |
IResourceFactory | Provides methods for creating resources. |
IResourceStorageBase | A base interface that defines a storage which holds resources for appointments. |
ISchedulerColorSchemaCollection<T> | A base interface which defines a generic collection of color schemas. |
ISchedulerInplaceEditorEx | The interface is designed for implementing a custom in-place editor. |
ISchedulerMappingConverter | Enables you to apply custom logic to a mapping. |
ISchedulerStorageBase | A base platform-independent interface that defines a storage which holds the Scheduler data. |
Resource | Defines a common attribute which can be assigned to appointments to group them. |
Name | Description |
AllowDisplayAppointmentDependencyForm | Lists the values used to specify whether the Appointment Dependency dialog can be displayed or not. |
AllowDisplayAppointmentForm | Lists the values used to specify whether the Edit Appointment form can be displayed or not. |
AppointmentConflictsMode | Lists the modes which specify if appointments conflicts are allowed. |
AppointmentContinueArrowDisplayType | Lists the values used to specify the type of sign to indicate that the scheduled time continues beyond the visible interval of dates. |
AppointmentDependencySelectionChangeAction | Specifies how the selection is applied to the specified appointment dependency. |
AppointmentDependencyType | Specifies when a task should start and end in relation to another task. |
AppointmentSelectionChangeAction | Specifies how the selection is applied to the specified appointment. |
AppointmentSnapToCellsMode | Lists the modes of appointment fit in the time cell(s) by stretching it to the cell’s limits. |
AppointmentStatusDisplayType | Lists the values used to specify how the appointment status is displayed within an appointment. |
AppointmentStatusType | Lists the appointment status types. |
AppointmentTimeDisplayType | Lists the values used to specify how the start and end time are displayed within appointments. |
AppointmentTimeVisibility | Lists the values used to specify the visibility state of the start and end time within appointments. |
AppointmentType | Lists the types of appointment. |
ColorSavingType | Lists the allowed color representation formats. |
DateTimeSavingMode | Lists modes which affect how the Start and End appointment values are stored in the data source. |
DstBehaviorType | Lists the types of behavior that can be set to the reminder if it falls in the Daylight Saving Time shift - a non-existing time interval on the Daylight Saving Time start date, usually between 2:00:00 and 2:59:59 AM. |
FieldValueType | Contains values that specify the data type of the mapped data column in the unbound mode. |
FirstDayOfWeek | Lists the days which can be used to specify the first day of the week. |
HeaderImageAlign | Specifies how an image is positioned relative to the text within a resource header. |
HeaderImageSizeMode | Specifies how an image is positioned within a resource header. |
MappingConversionBehavior | Lists converter locations in the data processing chain. |
MouseWheelScrollAction | Lists scrolling interpretations for the bidirectional mouse wheel. |
NavigationButtonVisibility | Lists the modes that define the conditions for the Navigation Buttons being displayed. |
PercentCompleteDisplayType | Specifies how the percentage of completion is displayed for appointments (tasks) within the Gantt view. |
QueryDeleteAppointmentResult | Obsolete. Lists the keys specifying which appointment occurrences should be deleted. |
RangeControlDataDisplayType | Lists the values used to specify how appointment data should be displayed within a RangeControl when it is bound to a SchedulerControl. |
RecurrenceRange | Lists the types of recurrence range. |
RecurrenceType | Lists the types of recurrent appointments. |
RecurrentAppointmentAction | Lists actions which could be performed on a recurrent appointment. |
RemindersFormDefaultAction | Lists the types of default actions which can be applied after the Reminders form is closed. |
ResizedSide | Lists appointment boundaries which could be moved when the appointment is being resized. |
ResourceNavigatorVisibility | Lists the visibility modes of the resource navigator. |
SchedulerGroupType | Lists the grouping type used in the scheduler. |
SchedulerMenuItemId | Lists items that can be used in the context menus of a Scheduler. |
SchedulerScrollBarVisibility | Lists modes that determine the vertical scrollbar visibility in the Timeline view and in all-day area of the Day view. |
SchedulerViewType | Lists the view types for a scheduler. |
SynchronizeOperation | Lists the values used to specify the currently performed operation when synchronizing the scheduler’s data. |
TimeIndicatorVisibility | Lists modes used to display the Time Indicator visual element in the Scheduler view. |
TimeMarkerVisibility | Lists modes which determine how the time marker on the TimeRuler is displayed. |
TimeRulerHorizontalAlignment | Specifies the alignment of the Time ruler relative to the scheduler view. |
ToolTipVisibility | Lists the visibility mode of the scheduler’s tooltips. |
UpdateSelectionDurationAction | Specifies how the selection extends when the time scale is changed to a larger one. |
UsedAppointmentType | Lists values which specify restrictions for end-users on which appointments can be used in particular events. |
WeekDays | Lists days and groups of days for recurrence patterns. |
WeekOfMonth | Lists the week in a month in which the event will occur. |