DevExpress.DataAccess.ObjectBinding Namespace
Contains classes that support binding to object data sources.
Assembly: DevExpress.DataAccess.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.DataAccess
Name | Description |
BeforeFillEventArgs | Supplies data for the ObjectDataSource.BeforeFill and ObjectDataSource.BeforeFillGlobal events. |
HighlightedAssemblyAttribute | When applied to an assembly, includes the corresponding item in the list of highlighted assemblies in the Data Source Wizard. |
HighlightedClassAttribute | When applied to a class, includes the corresponding item in the list of highlighted classes in the Data Source Wizard. |
HighlightedMemberAttribute | When applied to a data source member, includes the corresponding item in the list of highlighted data members in the Data Source Wizard. |
ObjectConstructorInfo | Provides functionality to access constructor parameters when binding to an ObjectDataSource. |
ObjectDataSource | Enables binding data-aware controls and components to a runtime-created object or an instance method. |
ObjectMember | Contains information about a member of an object data source. |
Parameter | A method or constructor parameter of an ObjectDataSource. |
ParameterList | A list of Parameter objects. |
ValidationFailedException | This exception is thrown when an object data source validation fails. |
Name | Description |
BeforeFillEventHandler | A method that will handle the ObjectDataSource.BeforeFill and ObjectDataSource.BeforeFillGlobal events. |