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DevExpress.DataAccess.Sql Namespace

Contains classes that support binding to SQL data sources.

Assembly: DevExpress.DataAccess.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.DataAccess


Name Description
AggregateQueryInvalidSortingValidationException An exception thrown when trying to execute an aggregate query with an invalid sorting criteria applied to it.
AggregationWithoutAliasValidationException An exception thrown when an aggregation has been used without specifying its alias.
AliasedBase The base for classes that provide the data column functionality.
AllColumns Corresponds to all columns from one or more data tables selected by a SelectQuery.
BeforeLoadProviderCustomAssemblyEventArgs Provides data for the SqlDataSource.BeforeLoadProviderCustomAssembly and SqlDataSource.BeforeLoadProviderCustomAssemblyGlobal events.
CircularRelationsValidationException An exception thrown when circular relations have been specified in a query.
Column A column of a data table retrieved by a SelectQuery.
ColumnBase The base for classes that provide the data column functionality.
ColumnExpression A selected data column with or without an aggregate expression applied to it.
ColumnNotInSchemaValidationException An exception thrown when a query contains columns that are missing in the data source schema.
ColumnNullValidationException An exception thrown when a query references a column that is null.
ConfigureDataConnectionEventArgs Provides data for the ConfigureDataConnection events.
ConnectionErrorEventArgs Serves as the base for classes that provide data for the ConnectionError events.
ConnectionOptions Specifies the data connection options of a SqlDataSource.
CustomExpression A custom aggregate expression that can be applied to a data column or group/sorting criteria.
CustomExpressionWithAmbiguousColumnValidationException An exception thrown when a custom expression references a column with an ambiguous name.
CustomExpressionWithColumnOfMissingTableValidationException An exception thrown when a custom expression references a column contained in a table that has not been selected.
CustomExpressionWithMissingInSchemaColumnValidationException An exception thrown when a custom expression references a column that is missing in the data source schema.
CustomizeFilterExpressionEventArgs Provides data for the SqlDataSource.CustomizeFilterExpression event.
CustomSqlQuery A custom query.
CustomSqlQueryValidationException An exception thrown when a custom query validation fails.
DatabaseConnectionException The exception occurring after a data source connection has failed.
DBSchema An object schema that is used to manage database objects (e.g., DBTable objects or their descendants).
DBSchemaProviderEx Provides a default implementation of the IDBSchemaProviderEx interface exposing virtual methods, which you can override in derived classes.
DuplicatingColumnNamesValidationException An exception thrown when trying to select a column that has already been selected.
DuplicatingTableNamesValidationException An exception thrown when trying to select a table that has already been selected.
ExpressionBase The base for classes that provide expression functionality to SelectQuery.
ExpressionNullValidationException An exception thrown when a query contains an expression that does not reference either a column or custom expression.
ExpressionStringNullValidationException An exception thrown when an expression string is null.
FilterByAmbiguousColumnValidationException An exception thrown when a query contains a filter criteria that references a column with an ambiguous name.
FilterByColumnOfMissingTableValidationException An exception thrown when a query has a filter criteria that is not contained in any of the selected tables.
FilterByMissingInSchemaColumnValidationException An exception thrown when a query has a filter criteria that is missing in the data source schema.
Group Specifies the grouping options of a SelectQuery.
GroupByAggregateColumnValidationException An exception thrown when a query has a grouping criteria that is an aggregate column.
GroupByWithoutAggregateValidationException An exception thrown when a query has a grouping criteria and some of the selected columns have not been assigned an aggregate expression.
GroupNullValidationException An exception thrown when a query has a grouping criteria that is null.
HavingWithoutGroupByValidationException An exception thrown when a query contains group filtering criteria and the data is not actually grouped.
IncompleteRelationValidationException An exception thrown when a query contains a relation for which not all required information has been provided.
InvalidExpressionStringValidationException An exception thrown when a query contains an invalid expression.
Join A relation between two data tables created using a join operation in a SelectQuery.
MasterDetailInfo Identifies the master-detail relationship defined by associated SQL queries.
MasterDetailInfoCollection A collection of MasterDetailInfo objects.
NegativeTopSkipValidationException An exception thrown when a negative SelectQuery.Top or SelectQuery.Skip value has been specified.
NoColumnsValidationException An exception thrown when no columns have been selected for any of the selected tables.
NoRelationColumnsValidationException An exception thrown when a query contains a relation for which no key columns have been specified.
NoTablesValidationException An exception thrown when no tables have been selected by a query.
PartialAggregationValidationException An exception thrown when a grouping and/or aggregate expression has not been applied to each of the selected columns.
ProviderCustomAssemblyLoadingProhibitedException An exception thrown on an unauthorized attempt to load a custom assembly as the FireBirdConnectionParameters.ClientLibrary parameter.
QueryExecutionException An exception thrown when a query execution has failed.
QueryParameter A parameter passed to a SqlQuery.
RecordsCount The total number of records in selected data tables or in each group.
RelationColumnInfo Stores the master and nested keys of a data relation column.
RelationColumnNotInSchemaValidationException An exception thrown when a key column of a data relation is missing in the data source schema.
RelationColumnNullValidationException An exception thrown when the key column of a data relation is null.
RelationException An exception thrown when attempting to assign a data relation to unrelated columns.
RelationNullValidationException An exception thrown when a data relation is null.
RelationTableNotSelectedValidationException An exception thrown when a data relation references a table that has not been selected.
ResultSchemaProvider The default implementation of the IResultSchemaProvider interface.
SelectQuery A set of columns (from a single table or multiple joined tables) that forms a SELECT statement when executing a query.
SelectQueryFluentBuilder Provides methods that can be chained within a single statement specifying a SelectQuery.
SkipWithoutSortingValidationException An exception thrown when specifying the SelectQuery.Skip property without sorting the corresponding table.
SortByAggregateColumnValidationException An exception thrown when a query contains a sorting criterion that is an aggregate column.
Sorting Specifies the sorting options of a SelectQuery.
SortingBySameColumnTwiceValidationException An exception thrown when the same sorting criterion has been applied multiple times.
SortingNullValidationException An exception thrown when a query contains a sorting criterion that is null.
SqlDataConnection A connection to a SqlDataSource.
SqlDataSource The data source that allows you to bind data-aware controls to a database (in read-only mode) using specified data connection options.
SqlQuery A formalized description of a database query used to select data from SqlDataSource.
SqlQueryCollection A collection of SqlQuery objects in the SqlDataSource.
SqlStringEmptyValidationException An exception thrown when an SQL string is null or empty.
StoredProcNameNullValidationException An exception thrown when a stored procedure name has not been specified.
StoredProcNotInSchemaValidationException An exception thrown when a referenced stored procedure is missing in the data source schema.
StoredProcParamCountValidationException An exception thrown when there is a mismatch between the specified and expected number of parameters specified for a stored procedure.
StoredProcParamNameValidationException An exception thrown when there is a mismatch between the specified and expected stored procedure parameter names.
StoredProcParamNullValidationException An exception thrown when a stored procedure parameter is null.
StoredProcParamTypeValidationException An exception thrown when there is a mismatch between the specified and expected stored procedure parameter types.
StoredProcQuery A stored procedure call.
Table A data table retrieved by an associated SelectQuery.
TableNotInSchemaValidationException An exception thrown when a query references a table that is missing in the data source schema.
TableNotSelectedValidationException An exception thrown when a query references a column that is not contained in any of the selected tables.
TableNullValidationException An exception thrown when a query references a table that is null.
TablesNotRelatedValidationException An exception thrown when a query references multiple tables without specifying their relations.
UnnamedColumnValidationException An exception thrown when a query references a column without specifying its name.
UnnamedTableValidationException An exception thrown when a query references a table without specifying its name.
ValidationException The exception occurring after a query validation has failed.


Name Description
IDBCommandInterceptor Allows you to intercept commands sent to a relational database.
IDBConnectionInterceptor Allows you to intercept operations on a connection to a database.
IDBSchemaProviderEx Provides the capability to customize the database schema.
IResultSchemaProvider If implemented, enables you to obtain and customize a data source schema.


Name Description
BeforeLoadProviderCustomAssemblyEventHandler A method that handles the SqlDataSource.BeforeLoadProviderCustomAssembly or SqlDataSource.BeforeLoadProviderCustomAssemblyGlobal event.
ConfigureDataConnectionEventHandler References a method that will handle the ConfigureDataConnection events.
ConnectionErrorEventHandler References a method that will handle ConnectionError events.
CustomizeFilterExpressionEventHandler References a method that will handle the SqlDataSource.CustomizeFilterExpression event.


Name Description
AggregationType Lists values that specify aggregation types.
ConditionType Lists the values that specify the relational operator type.
SqlIsolationLevel Lists values that specify the isolation level under which a Transact-SQL statement determines its locking and row versioning behavior.
SqlJoinType Lists SQL join types.