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DevExpress.Mvvm.Xpf Namespace

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Contains classes that allow you to work with virtual sources in an MVVM pattern.

Assembly: DevExpress.Mvvm.v24.2.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Mvvm, DevExpress.Win.Navigation


Name Description
CellMergeArgs Contains data for the command bound to the TableView.CellMergeCommand property.
CellValueChangedArgs Contains data for the command bound to the CellValueChangedCommand or CellValueChangingCommand property.
CellValueChangedInEditFormArgs Contains data for the command bound to the GridViewBase.CellValueChangingCommand or TreeListView.CellValueChangingCommand property.
ClickArgs Contains data for commands executed when a user double-clicks a row within the GridControl.
ColumnDisplayTextArgs Populates commands bound to the GridControl.CustomColumnDisplayTextCommand and TreeListView.CustomColumnDisplayTextCommand properties with data.
CreateEditItemViewModelArgs Contains data for the CreateEditItemViewModel event and the command bound to the CreateEditItemViewModelCommand property.
DataSourceRefreshArgs Populates commands bound to the DataViewBase.DataSourceRefresh property with data.
DeleteValidationArgs Populates commands bound to the DataViewBase.DataSourceRefresh and ValidateNodeDeletionCommand properties with data.
DisplayTextArgs Populates commands bound to the GridControl.CustomColumnDisplayTextCommand, TreeListView.CustomColumnDisplayTextCommand, and GridControl.CustomGroupDisplayTextCommand properties with data.
EditArgs Contains data for the edit commands.
EditFormRowValidationArgs Contains data for the ValidateRow event and the command bound to the ValidateRowCommand property.
EditFormValidateRowDeletionArgs Contains data for the ValidateRowDeletion event and the command bound to the ValidateRowDeletionCommand property.
EditItemViewModel A View Model for the edit operation in the DialogEditFormBehavior.
FetchAsyncArgsBase Populates commands bound to the InfiniteAsyncSource.FetchRowsCommand / PagedAsyncSource.FetchPageCommand properties with data.
FetchPageAsyncArgs Populates the command bound to the PagedAsyncSource.FetchPageCommand property with data.
FetchRowsAsyncArgs Populates the command bound to the InfiniteAsyncSource.FetchRowsCommand property with data.
FilterArgs Contains data for the command bound to the GridControl.CustomRowFilterCommand or TreeListView.CustomNodeFilterCommand property.
GetSummariesAsyncArgs Populates commands bound to the InfiniteAsyncSource.GetTotalSummariesCommand / PagedAsyncSource.GetTotalSummariesCommand properties with data.
GetUniqueValuesAsyncArgs Populates commands bound to the InfiniteAsyncSource.GetUniqueValuesCommand / PagedAsyncSource.GetUniqueValuesCommand properties with data.
GroupDisplayTextArgs Populates the command bound to the GridControl.CustomGroupDisplayTextCommand property with data.
InitNewItemArgs Contains data for the command bound to the TableView.InitNewRowCommand or TreeListView.InitNewNodeCommand property.
InitNewNodeArgs Contains data for the command bound to the TreeListView.InitNewNodeCommand property.
InitNewRowArgs Contains data for the command bound to the TableView.InitNewRowCommand property.
InvalidItemExceptionArgs Contains data for the command bound to the GridViewBase.InvalidRowExceptionCommand or TreeListView.InvalidNodeExceptionCommand property.
InvalidNodeExceptionArgs Contains data for the command bound to the TreeListView.InvalidNodeExceptionCommand property.
InvalidRowExceptionArgs Contains data for the command bound to the GridViewBase.InvalidRowExceptionCommand property.
NewItemArgs Contains data for the command bound to the GridViewBase.AddingNewRowCommand or TreeListView.AddingNewNodeCommand property.
NewNodeArgs Contains data for the command bound to the TreeListView.AddingNewNodeCommand property.
NewRowArgs Contains data for the command bound to the GridViewBase.AddingNewRowCommand property.
NodeCanceledArgs Populates the command bound to the NodeCanceledCommand property with data.
NodeCellValidationArgs Contains data for the command bound to the TreeListView.ValidateCellCommand property.
NodeChangedArgs Contains data for the command bound to the TreeListView.NodeChangedCommand property.
NodeClickArgs Populates the command bound to the RowDoubleClickCommand property with data.
NodeDisplayTextArgs Populates commands bound to the TreeListView.CustomColumnDisplayTextCommand property with data.
NodeEditArgs Contains information about the node that a user edits.
NodeEditFinishedArgs Contains data for the command bound to the NodeEditFinishedCommand property.
NodeEditStartedArgs Contains data for the command bound to the NodeEditStartedCommand property.
NodeEditStartingArgs Contains data for the command bound to the NodeEditStartingCommand property.
NodeFilterArgs Contains data for the command bound to the TreeListView.CustomNodeFilterCommand property.
NodeSortArgs Populates the command bound to the CustomColumnSortCommand property with data.
NodeSummaryArgs Populates the command bound to the TreeListView.CustomSummaryCommand property with data.
NodeUpdatedArgs Populates the command bound to the NodeUpdatedCommand property with data.
NodeValidationArgs Populates the command bound to the ValidateNodeCommand property with data.
RowCanceledArgs Populates the command bound to the RowCanceledCommand property with data.
RowCellValidationArgs Contains data for the command bound to the GridViewBase.ValidateCellCommand property.
RowClickArgs Populates the command bound to the RowDoubleClickCommand property with data.
RowEditArgs Contains information about the row that a user edits.
RowEditFinishedArgs Contains data for the command bound to the RowEditFinishedCommand property.
RowEditStartedArgs Contains data for the command bound to the RowEditStartedCommand property.
RowEditStartingArgs Contains data for the command bound to the RowEditStartingCommand property.
RowFilterArgs Contains data for the command bound to the GridControl.CustomRowFilterCommand property.
RowSortArgs Populates commands bound to the GridControl.CustomColumnSortCommand and GridControl.CustomColumnGroupCommand properties with data.
RowSummaryArgs Populates the command bound to the GridControl.CustomSummaryCommand property with data.
RowSummaryExistsArgs Populates the command bound to the GridControl.CustomSummaryExistsCommand property with data.
RowUpdatedArgs Populates the command bound to the RowUpdatedCommand property with data.
RowValidationArgs Populates the command bound to the ValidateRowCommand property with data.
SortArgs Populates commands bound to the GridControl.CustomColumnSortCommand, TreeListView.CustomColumnSortCommand, and GridControl.CustomColumnGroupCommand properties with data.
SummaryArgs Populates commands bound to the GridControl.CustomSummaryCommand and TreeListView.CustomSummaryCommand properties with data.
UnboundColumnDataArgs Contains data for the command bound to the GridControl.CustomUnboundColumnDataCommand or TreeListView.CustomUnboundColumnDataCommand property.
UnboundColumnNodeArgs Contains data for the command bound to the TreeListView.CustomUnboundColumnDataCommand property.
UnboundColumnRowArgs Contains data for the command bound to the GridControl.CustomUnboundColumnDataCommand property.
UniqueValuesArgs Populates the command bound to the DataControlBase.CustomUniqueValuesCommand property with data.
ValidateNodeDeletionArgs Populates commands bound to the ValidateNodeDeletionCommand property with data.
ValidateRowDeletionArgs Populates commands bound to the DataViewBase.DataSourceRefresh property with data.
ValidationArgs Contains data for commands that validate row values within the GridControl.
ValidationErrorInfo Contains information about the error (its type and description).


Name Description
DisplayDeleteOperationError Lists the values that specify the GridValidateRowDeletionEventArgs.DisplayErrorMode property.
ExceptionMode Lists values that specify how to handle an exception.
MouseButton Lists values that specify a mouse button that a user clicks.
NodeChangeType Lists values that specify how the node is changed.
ValidationErrorType Enumerates error types.