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Bind the WPF Data Grid to a Local Database

  • 2 minutes to read

This topic demonstrates how to bind the GridControl to a local database:

WPF GridControl Bind to Data

  1. Connect your project to a local database.

  2. Create a ViewModel template that implements ViewModelBase:

    using DevExpress.Mvvm;
    namespace WPFBlankAppWithDatabase {
        public class ViewModel : ViewModelBase {
            public ViewModel() {
  3. Build the solution to make the ViewModel class visible in the window’s Quick Actions.

  4. Open the ThemedWindow‘s Quick Actions and define the window’s data context:

    WPF GridControl DataContext

    You can also define the window’s data context in code:

  5. Open the GridControl‘s Quick Actions and invoke the Items Source Wizard.

    Items Source Wizard

  6. Select the data source.

    Items Source Wizard - Data Source

    Select the Order table.

    Items Source Wizard - Table

    Select the Simple Binding model.

    Items Source Wizard - Model

    Ensure that the CRUD options are enabled.

    Items Source Wizard - Settings

    Select the ViewModel option to generate data binding code in the ViewModel class. Verify that the ViewModel class is selected as the View Model.

    Items Source Wizard - Boilerplate Code

  7. Run the project. The GridControl generates columns for all fields from a bound data source:

    WPF GridControl Bound to Data


For information on how to post changes to a database, refer to the following help topic: Post Changes to a Database.

GitHub Example

View Example: WPF Data Grid - Getting Started .NET

More Examples

The following example shows how to bind the WPF Data Grid to different data sources.

View Example: Bind the WPF Data Grid to Data

This example includes multiple solutions that demonstrate:

  • How to bind the Data Grid to Entity Framework, EF Core, and XPO.
  • Different binding mechanisms: virtual sources, server mode sources, and local data.
  • MVVM and code-behind patterns.

After you bind the Data Grid to a database, you can implement CRUD operations (create, read update, delete). Refer to the following topic for more information: CRUD Operations in a Data-Bound Grid.

View Example: Implement CRUD Operations in the WPF Data Grid

See Also