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Printing and Exporting

The Print Data topic demonstrates how to use the Printing-Exporting library to show the Print Preview window and print GridControl data.

The GridControl does not allow you to print and export data from a separate thread.

Data-Aware Export

The Data-Aware Export is the default export mode for the XLS, XLSX, and CSV formats. This mode allows end users to process exported data in Microsoft Excel. The data shaping options are retained. For example, the GridControl exports summaries as formulas.


WYSIWYG Export mode uses the Printing-Exporting library to export data. The exported document retains the layout and appearance of grid elements. The data shaping options are not retained. For example, the GridControl exports summary values as text strings instead of formulas.

Generate a Grid-Based Report

You can Generate a Grid-Based Report with the same data, appearance, and layout as in the displayed GridControl. Users can customize a Report’s appearance.

Usage Notes

See Also