Navigation Controls
- 3 minutes to read
This section describes the DevExpress controls that perform navigation within your application, from simple side bars to Windows Modern inspired tile bars.
#Accordion Control
The AccordionControl is an advanced navigation control that allows you to create hierarchical user interfaces that are compact and easy to navigate. Key features include:
- An unlimited number of hierarchy levels.
- Data-binding support.
- Integrated search field.
Topic: Accordion Control
#Navigation Bar
The Navigation Bar is a well-known variation of the side navigation bar that features collapsible groups with items within it. Key features include:
- Three available Views that affect NavBar Control behavior and appearance.
- Layout flexibility and runtime customization options.
- The capability to embed any control to a NavBar item.
- A set of built-in commands that allow you to program various actions in XAML markup.
- Interaction with OfficeNavigationBar.
Topic: Navigation Bar
#Office Navigation Bar
An Outlook 2013-inspired navigation bar that supports integration with the Navigation Bar. Supports the following features:
- Automatically retrieves Navigation Bar groups and presents them as its own items.
- A built-in Customization Button that allows end-users to display more or fewer items and re-arrange them as needed.
- Supports Peek Panels that can be attached to Office Navigation Bar items and displayed on hover.
Topic: Office Navigation Bar
#Tile Nav Pane
A hierarchical multi-level tile menu that provides navigation in a touch-friendly manner. Key features include:
- Supports three levels of navigation for displaying categories, items and sub-items.
- The top-level bar can host regular and drop-down buttons.
- Embedded Home button.
- Built-in navigation breadcrumbs that help your end-users to keep track of their current location in the navigation hierarchy.
- Various animation effects.
Topic: Tile Nav Pane
#Tile Bar
A simple navigation bar with tiles. Any tile within a Tile Bar can display an associated drop-down control. This goes for any object, including another Tile Bar for implementing multi-level navigation bars.
Topic: Tile Bar
The TreeView is a navigation control that displays self-referenced and hierarchical data.
Topic: Tree
#Wizard Control
The WPF Wizard Control is a handy tool for building wizards - dialogs with multiple pages that guide your end users through a specific process (e.g., product installation). The list below outlines main Wizard Control features:
- Three types of pages, each with its own mark-up and set of features.
- Embedded wizard buttons.
- Various page templates.
- Rich navigation capabilities.
- Suits for creating both simple wizards, where pages change one by one in a strict order, and wizards with a non-linear page sequence, where one page can lead to various other pages depending on the specific criteria.
Topic: Wizard Control
#Hamburger Menu
The WPF Hamburger Menu is used to implement the navigation UI that emulates popular web applications. Its features include:
- Adaptive layout.
- Different types of navigation items: regular, check and radio buttons, and hyperlinks.
- Sub menus displaying items in side panels and “favorite” items directly in the main menu.
- MVVM Support.
Topic: Hamburger Menu