Diagram Control
- 2 minutes to read
The DevExpress WPF Diagram Control provides components that allow you and your end-users to create and display diagrams of various types and styles.
Learn about capabilities of the Diagram Control.
Describes operations available to end-users.
Contains a variety of task-based examples.
Diagram Designer
The Diagram Designer provides a visual interface to help you design new diagrams and modify existing ones, save diagrams to a file and load previously saved diagrams. Key features include:
- Built-in Visio-inspired diagram themes. Ability to create custom themes.
- Saving diagrams to and restoring them from storage, as well as printing and exporting to image files (PNG, JPEG, BMP and GIF).
- MVVM Support
Topic: Diagram Designer
Diagram Items
The Diagram Control is shipped with 130 diagram shapes and the ability to define custom shapes. Our customizable Visio inspired connectors support automatic routing algorithms.
- Shape drag-and-drop
- Shape sizing and rotating
- Raster and SVG image items
- Containers
- Diagram zooming
- Cut/Copy/Paste operations
- Undo and Redo functionality
- Snapping to grid and other shapes
- In-place text editing
Topic: Diagram Items
Automatic Layout
The DevExpress Diagram Control provides the ability to automatically arrange shapes using one of the predefined drawing algorithms. This feature allows you and your end-users to quickly and effectively generate drawings, which can be manually fine-tuned afterwards.
Topic: Automatic Layout
Data Binding Functionality
The DevExpress Diagram Control is shipped with powerful tools to generate diagrams from a data source.
- Generating Diagrams from a Data Source
- Generating Organization Charts
- Item Template Designer Tool
- Support for various data source technologies including ADO.NET data sets, Entity Framework data, WCF Data Services, LINQ To SQL, DevExpress ORM Tool (XPO).
Topic: Data Binding Functionality