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Controls and Libraries

UI Controls & Components

The DevExpress WPF Subscription includes the following WPF libraries and controls:

Grids and Editors

Data Visualization


Reporting and Analytics

App Navigation and Layout


Common libraries related to all DevExpress WPF products:

  • Themes

    Contains over 30 custom designed application themes that can be applied to all DevExpress WPF controls.

  • Images

    Contains images used in DevExpress controls and application solutions.

  • Typed Styles

    Contains an assembly with typed styles for DevExpress WPF controls and controls from base WPF assemblies.

  • Prism Adapters

    Contains Prism 5 and Prism 6/7/8 adapters for Navigation and Layout controls.

Tools and Utilities

DevExpress offers the following tools and utilities for WPF controls:

See Also