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Scheduler (legacy)

  • 3 minutes to read


The DevExpress WPF Scheduler emulates the look, feel and capabilities of Microsoft Outlook’s Scheduler. Its major features include day, week, month, timeline views and built-in printing support, so you can deliver full-featured personal information management systems in the shortest possible time.


Learn the Basics

  • Getting Started

    Tutorials in this topic demonstrates the control’s basic functionality, and provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to create simple scheduling applications.

  • Included Components

    This topic lists satellite controls and components that ship together with the Scheduler Control.

  • Examples

    This section contains task-based examples, grouped by features.

Scheduling Functionality

The DXScheduler is a suite of elements that offers a fully operational calendaring subsystem. With the DXScheduler, you can let your users define resources and add calendar events (appointments), create recurring appointments and add reminders, and use the export and import features for iCalendar.

Most of the scheduling functionality is available to end-users out of the box. The Ribbon or bar interface displays the most commonly-used tools and commands.

The DXScheduler displays appointments using multiple views.

  • Day View: Displays a detailed picture of events across one or more days. The current date/time is indicated by a highlighted day header and the time marker on the time ruler.
  • Work Week view: Displays appointments for the working days in a particular week.
  • Full Week view: Displays appointments for all days in a particular week.
  • Month view: Designed to browse and analyze long-term plans. Displays events across multiple weeks.
  • Timeline view: Arranges events and appointments across horizontal timelines.

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Date Selection

The Date Navigator control provides an intuitive way with which to select dates. You can select a single day or a continuous range of dates using the mouse. Based on your selection within the Date Navigator Control, the Scheduler is automatically updated and displays the most appropriate view type (Day, Week, Month, etc.).

The Range control allows end-users to quickly navigate different time periods within the Scheduler. A set of options allow you to customize the behavior of both the Range control and the Scheduler control whenever these controls are integrated within a project.


Built-In Dialogs

All appointment dialogs that ship as part of the WPF Scheduler Suite are ready to be used without writing a single line of code, and can be fully customized and extended as business needs dictate.

Default appointment dialog mimics the Outlook appointment form, contains a Ribbon UI and enables you to print an individual appointment or save it in iCalendar format.

The Scheduler Suite provides built-in dialog for handling recurring event chains. You can customize all recurrence related functionality and address even the most complex requirements with minimal effort.


Data Binding

The Scheduler control can operate in unbound mode when appointments and resources do not persist, however the most common way of using the Scheduler is to bind it to a data source. A variety of external data sources are supported.

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The DXScheduler provides you with ability to change the data layout, appearance and visual presentation of the application elements in any way you need.

A number of scheduler elements can be customized with the use of templates. They can be applied to customize the visual appearance of horizontal and vertical appointments, modify the appointment tooltip or make a completely different in-place editor.

Styles introduced by DXScheduler enable you to modify the visual appearance of the desired scheduler element with ease. It includes the colorizing of the appointment area, modifying the buttons or changing the current time presentation.


See Also