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Document Properties Dialog

  • 2 minutes to read

The Document Properties dialog enables end-users to view and modify document metadata accessible by with the Document.DocumentProperties and Document.CustomProperties properties.


Before a dialog is shown, the RichEditControl.DocumentPropertiesFormShowing event occurs.

The dialog contains the following tabs:

  1. General
  2. Summary
  3. Statistics
  4. Custom


The General tab allows end-users to view properties of the document file.



The Summary tab allows end-users to edit several built-in document properties:

Dialog Field Document Field Document Property
Title TITLE DocumentProperties.Title
Subject SUBJECT DocumentProperties.Subject
Author AUTHOR DocumentProperties.Author
Manager DOCPROPERTY Manager DocumentProperties.Manager
Company DOCPROPERTY Company DocumentProperties.Company
Category DOCPROPERTY Category DocumentProperties.Category
Keywords KEYWORDS DocumentProperties.Keywords
Comments COMMENTS DocumentProperties.Description
Template TEMPLATE DocumentProperties.Template



The Statistics tab allows end-users to view certain document properties.

Dialog Field Document Field Document Property
Created CREATEDATE DocumentProperties.Created
Modified SAVEDATE DocumentProperties.Modified
Printed PRINTDATE DocumentProperties.LastPrinted
Last saved by LASTSAVEDBY DocumentProperties.LastModifiedBy
Revision number REVNUM DocumentProperties.Revision



The Custom tab allows end-users to add and edit custom document properties.

Custom properties are contained in the Document.CustomProperties collection. To insert a custom property value in the document, insert the DOCVARIABLE field and handle the RichEditControl.CalculateDocumentVariable event. The event handler obtains a custom property value and assigns it to the CalculateDocumentVariableEventArgs.Value property.


Dialog Field API
Name A string used to retrieve a property from the Document.CustomProperties collection. The DocumentCustomProperties.Names property enables you to iterate over custom property names in a document.
Type The type of the custom property for display in the dialog. The DocumentCustomProperties.Item property returns the value of a custom property as a System.Object type and you can use the Object.GetType() method to determine its value type.
Value Use the DocumentCustomProperties.Item property to obtain a custom property value.
Link to content When checked, the Value field specifies a name of the bookmark whose content is extracted to set the value of a custom property. Assign a Bookmark object instead of any value to the custom document property using the DocumentCustomProperties.Item member to create a link to bookmark.
Properties A list of all DocumentCustomProperties.