Rich Text Editor Views
- 2 minutes to read
DXRichEdit can display documents in three different ways depending on the applied document View.
End-users can use the Document Views buttons on the View ribbon tab to change the active view. Refer to the Create a Simple Rich Text Editor topic for information on how to provide a Ribbon UI for the DXRichEdit.
The table below describes and compares the available views.
Column A | Simple View | Draft View | Print Layout View |
API | Rich Simple |
Rich Draft |
Rich |
Description | Suitable for simple text and web pages. Shows how to the document looks as a website. | Used for text formatting. Shows how the document looks on a monitor. | Used for complex documents. Shows how the document looks as a printout. |
Displayed Editor Elements | None | Horizontal Ruler | Horizontal and Vertical Rulers |
Paging | Document is not split into pages. | Document is not split into pages. | Document is divided into pages. |
Page Layout | No page layout options are applied. | Only the page width is applied. Multiple columns are displayed as a single column. | All page layout options are applied. |
Floating Objects Position | Misplaced | Misplaced | Correct |
#View Options
You can use the RichEditControl.ActiveView property to access the current view. The returned RichEditView options allow you to customize the target view.
richEditControl1.ActiveView.AllowDisplayLineNumbers = true;
richEditControl1.ActiveView.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Beige;
Set the current view’s Rich
Use the RichEditControl.LayoutOptions property to access view-specific options.
<dxre:RichEditControl x:Name="richEditControl1"
<dxre:DXRichEditPrintLayoutViewLayoutOptions MatchHorizontalTableIndentsToTextEdge="True"
AllowTablesToExtendIntoMargins="True" />
You can control the scrollbars’ and rulers’ visibility for any view. Use the following properties to customize the editing surface appearance:
- DXRichEditHorizontalRulerOptions.Visibility;
- DXRichEditVerticalRulerOptions.Visibility;
- RichEditControl.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility
- RichEditControl.VerticalScrollBarVisibility
The code sample below hides all rulers and scrollbars:
<dxre:RichEditControl x:Name="richEditControl1" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden"
<dxre:DXRichEditVerticalRulerOptions Visibility="Hidden"/>
<dxre:DXRichEditHorizontalRulerOptions Visibility="Hidden"/>