TdxListViewControl Events
A List View control.Name | Description |
OnAlignInsertBefore | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnAlignPosition | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnCancelEdit | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnCanResize | Inherited from TControl. |
OnChange | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnChanging | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnClick | Inherited from TControl. |
OnColumnClick | Allows you to perform specific actions when a user clicks a column header in the List View. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnColumnDragged | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnColumnPosChanged | Allows you to perform specific actions when a user changes a column‘s position in the List View. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnColumnRightClick | Allows you to perform specific actions when a user right-clicks a column header in the List View. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnColumnSizeChanged | Allows you to perform specific actions when a user resizes a column in the List View. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnCompare | Allows you to implement a custom item sort. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnConstrainedResize | Inherited from TControl. |
OnContextPopup | Inherited from TControl. |
OnCreateItemClass | Allows you to create custom list items. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnData | Allows you to customize an item when it is about to be displayed in virtual mode. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnDataFind | Allows you to search list items in virtual mode. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnDataHint | Allows you to update information about a range of items when they change in virtual mode. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnDblClick | Inherited from TControl. |
OnDeletion | Allows you to perform specific actions every time an item is deleted. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnDockDrop | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnDockOver | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnDragDrop | Inherited from TControl. |
OnDragOver | Inherited from TControl. |
OnEdited | Allows you to perform specific actions when a user renames an item in an in-place editor. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnEditing | Allows you to prohibit users from opening an item caption’s in-place editor. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnEndDock | Inherited from TControl. |
OnEndDrag | Inherited from TControl. |
OnEnter | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnExit | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnFocusChanged protected | Inherited from TcxControl. |
OnGesture | Inherited from TControl. |
OnGetImageIndex | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnGetSiteInfo | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnGetSubItemImageIndex | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnInfoTip | Allows you to show custom text in an item‘s hint. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnInsert | Allows you to customize settings of an item when it is added to the List View. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnKeyDown | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnKeyPress | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnKeyUp | Inherited from TWinControl. |
OnMouseActivate | Inherited from TControl. |
OnMouseDown | Inherited from TControl. |
OnMouseEnter | Occurs when the mouse pointer enters into the control. Inherited from TcxControl. |
OnMouseLeave | Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. Inherited from TcxControl. |
OnMouseMove | Inherited from TControl. |
OnMouseUp | Inherited from TControl. |
OnMouseWheel | Inherited from TControl. |
OnMouseWheelDown | Inherited from TControl. |
OnMouseWheelUp | Inherited from TControl. |
OnResize | Inherited from TControl. |
OnSelectionChanged protected | Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnSelectItem | Allows you to perform specific actions every time a user selects or deselects an item. Inherited from TdxCustomListView. |
OnStartDock | Inherited from TControl. |
OnStartDrag | Inherited from TControl. |
OnUnDock | Inherited from TWinControl. |
See Also