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TdxListViewCompareEvent Type

The item comparison procedural type.


TdxListViewCompareEvent = procedure(Sender: TdxCustomListView; AItem1: TdxListItem; AItem2: TdxListItem; AData: TdxNativeInt; var ACompare: Integer) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TdxCustomListView

The List View control that raised an item comparison event.

AItem1 TdxListItem

The first target list item.

AItem2 TdxListItem

The second target list item.

AData TdxNativeInt

Specifies a pointer to additional data for the custom comparison routine.

ACompare Integer

A result of the comparison.


The following table explains which ACompare parameter values correspond to specific comparison results:

Value Description
A negative integer value AItem1 is positioned before AItem2.
0 AItem1 is positioned before AItem2.
A positive integer value AItem is positioned after AItem2.

The following OnCompare event handler sorts items by captions in the specified sort order if the control displays columns:

procedure TForm1.dxListViewControl1Compare(Sender: TdxCustomListView; AItem1,
  AItem2: TdxListItem; AData: Integer; var ACompare: Integer);
  ACompare := CompareStr(AItem1.Caption, AItem2.Caption);
  if (Sender.ViewStyle = TdxListViewStyle.Report) and (Sender.Columns.Count <> 0) then
    if Sender.Columns[0].SortOrder = soDescending then
      ACompare := ACompare * -1;

The List View’s OnCompare event references the TdxListViewCompareEvent type.

See Also