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TdxChart Members

Implements the internal Chart control model.


Name Description
Create(TPersistent) Creates a new TcxOwnedPersistent class descendant instance. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.


Name Description
Appearance Provides access to chart appearance settings.
Bounds Specifies Chart client area boundaries.
ColorSchemeName Specifies the active color scheme name.
DiagramCount Returns the total number of diagrams.
Diagrams Provides indexed access to all diagrams.
Legend Provides access to chart legend pane settings.
LookAndFeel Provides access to chart look & feel settings.
LookAndFeelPainter Provides access to the chart look & feel painter.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
ScrollOptions Provides access to scroll settings.
Titles Provides access to the collection of chart titles.
ToolTips Provides access to Chart tooltip settings.
UseRightToLeftAlignment Specifies if the Chart control layout is flipped horizontally.
UseRightToLeftReading Specifies if the Chart control displays text from right to left.
UseThreading Specifies if the internal Chart model uses multithreading algorithms.
VisibleDiagramCount Returns the number of visible diagrams.
VisibleDiagrams Provides indexed access to all visible diagrams.
ZoomOptions Provides access to zoom settings.


Name Description
_AddRef protected The reference counter increment function of the interfaced property set. Inherited from TcxOwnedInterfacedPersistent.
_Release protected The reference counter decrement function of the interfaced property set. Inherited from TcxOwnedInterfacedPersistent.
AddDiagram(TdxChartDiagramClass,string) Creates a new diagram with the specified title.
AddDiagram<T>(string) Creates a new diagram with the specified title in Delphi code.
Assign(TPersistent) Applies compatible settings from the specified source to the current property set. Inherited from TcxLockablePersistent.
AssignFrom(TdxChart,Boolean) Updates all chart settings from the specified internal Chart model.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginUpdate Postpones setting change notifications to the parent object until an EndUpdate or CancelUpdate procedure call. Inherited from TcxLockablePersistent.
CancelUpdate Re-enables change notifications and delays pending changes made in the component after a BeginUpdate procedure call until the next content or setting change. Inherited from TcxLockablePersistent.
ChangeScale(Integer,Integer) Applies the specified scale factor to the chart.
DoAssign(TPersistent) protected Updates the persistent information container’s class-specific properties with the corresponding values obtained from another persistent information container. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
DoChanged protected Applies pending changes after an EndUpdate procedure call. Inherited from TcxLockablePersistent.
EndUpdate Applies all pending changes and redraws the parent object after a BeginUpdate procedure call. Inherited from TcxLockablePersistent.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
ExportToBMP(TStream,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a stream in BMP format.
ExportToBMP(string,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a file in BMP format.
ExportToDOCX(TStream,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content as an image container in a DOCX document and saves it to the target stream.
ExportToDOCX(string,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content as an image container in a DOCX document and saves it to a file.
ExportToEMF(TStream,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a stream in EMF format.
ExportToEMF(string,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a file in WMF format.
ExportToGIF(TStream,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a stream in GIF format.
ExportToGIF(string,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a file in GIF format.
ExportToImage(TStream,TdxSmartImageCodecClass,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a stream in any supported image format.
ExportToImage(string,TdxSmartImageCodecClass,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a file in any supported image format.
ExportToJPEG(TStream,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a stream in JPEG format.
ExportToJPEG(string,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a file in JPEG format.
ExportToPNG(TStream,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a stream in PNG format.
ExportToPNG(string,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a file in PNG format.
ExportToSVG(TStream,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a stream in SVG format.
ExportToSVG(string,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a file in SVG format.
ExportToTIFF(TStream,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a stream in TIFF format.
ExportToTIFF(string,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a file in TIFF format.
ExportToWMF(TStream,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a stream in WMF format.
ExportToWMF(string,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content to a file in WMF format.
ExportToXLSX(TStream,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content as an image container in an XLSX document and saves it to the target stream.
ExportToXLSX(string,Integer,Integer) Exports chart content as an image container in an XLSX document and saves it to a file.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner protected Returns the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
LoadFromStream(TStream) Loads series data from the specified stream populated by a SaveToStream procedure call.
PaintTo(TcxCustomCanvas,TRect,Boolean) Draws chart content on the specified canvas.
PaintTo(TcxCustomCanvas) Draws chart content on the specified canvas.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) protected Provides access to the implementation of the specified interface if the current persistent property set or information container supports it. Inherited from TcxOwnedInterfacedPersistent.
SaveToStream(TStream) Saves series data from all diagrams to the specified stream.
ToString Inherited from TObject.


Name Description
OnChange Occurs on every chart data and setting change.


Name Description
DefaultMargins Specifies the default visual element margins (in pixels) in the Chart control.
DefaultPadding Specifies the default visual element paddings (in pixels) in the Chart control.
DefaultUseThreading Specifies how the internal Chart model interprets the default multithreading algorithm usage option.
ThreadingMinRecords Specifies the threshold number of series points for multithreading algorithm usage.
See Also