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TdxChart.ExportToImage(string,TdxSmartImageCodecClass,Integer,Integer) Method

Exports chart content to a file in any supported image format.


procedure ExportToImage(const AFileName: string; ACodecClass: TdxSmartImageCodecClass = nil; AImageWidth: Integer = 0; AImageHeight: Integer = 0); overload;


Name Type Description
AFileName string

The absolute or relative path to the resulting image file.

ACodecClass TdxSmartImageCodecClass

Optional. The reference to the image codec class that corresponds to the required image format.

AImageWidth Integer

Optional. The exported image width, in pixels.

AImageHeight Integer

Optional. The exported image height, in pixels.



Do not call the ExportToImage procedure in your code. To export Chart control content to a file in any supported format, call the control’s corresponding ExportToImage procedure instead.

See Also