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TdxChartCustomLegend Class

The base class for all classes that implement Chart and diagram legend settings.


TdxChartCustomLegend = class(


A diagram can display a legend pane populated with captions of those series in the diagram whose ShowInLegend properties are set to TdxChartSeriesShowInLegend.Diagram. The diagram displays no legend pane if it has no such series or the Legend.Visible property is set to False.

 VCL Chart Control: The Diagram Legend Pane

A series is displayed in the Chart control’s legend instead of the corresponding diagram’s legend if the ShowInLegend property of the series is set to TdxChartSeriesShowInLegend.Chart (default).

VCL Chart Control: The Chart Legend Pane

Simple diagram series display values instead of captions in a diagram or chart legend.

VCL Chart Control: The Simple Diagram Legend Pane

#Main API Members

The list below outlines key members of the TdxChartCustomLegend class that allow you to configure chart and diagram legend panes.

Specifies if the Chart displays the visual element.
Specifies the legend pane title, and its position and appearance.
Provides access to general legend pane appearance settings.
ShowCaptions | ShowCheckBoxes | ShowImages
Hide or display legend item captions, check boxes, and associated images.
Specifies the legend pane layout and the order of items in it.
AlignmentHorz | AlignmentVert
Position the legend pane horizontally and vertically within a diagram or chart area.
MaxHeightPercent | MaxWidthPercent
Adjust legend pane constraints.
Specifies the maximum caption width (in pixels) in multi-column and narrow vertical legend pane layouts.
Copies settings between legend panes.

#Terminal TdxChartCustomLegend Class Descendants

Do not use the TdxChartCustomLegend class directly. Use the following descendants instead:

Stores settings of the legend pane displayed in a Chart control.
Stores settings of the legend pane displayed in a diagram.
See Also