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TdxChart Properties

Implements the internal Chart control model.
Name Description
Appearance Provides access to chart appearance settings.
Bounds Specifies Chart client area boundaries.
ColorSchemeName Specifies the active color scheme name.
DiagramCount Returns the total number of diagrams.
Diagrams Provides indexed access to all diagrams.
Legend Provides access to chart legend pane settings.
LookAndFeel Provides access to chart look & feel settings.
LookAndFeelPainter Provides access to the chart look & feel painter.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
ScrollOptions Provides access to scroll settings.
Titles Provides access to the collection of chart titles.
ToolTips Provides access to Chart tooltip settings.
UseRightToLeftAlignment Specifies if the Chart control layout is flipped horizontally.
UseRightToLeftReading Specifies if the Chart control displays text from right to left.
UseThreading Specifies if the internal Chart model uses multithreading algorithms.
VisibleDiagramCount Returns the number of visible diagrams.
VisibleDiagrams Provides indexed access to all visible diagrams.
ZoomOptions Provides access to zoom settings.
See Also