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TdxChartTitle Class

Stores a Chart control title and its settings.


TdxChartTitle = class(


The Chart control can display multiple titles at its left, top, right, and bottom borders. Chart titles can help you explain the purpose of displayed diagrams and list additional information. You can call the control’s Titles.Add function to create titles.

The TdxChartTitle class implements title functionality for the Chart control. To maintain a title collection, the control uses the TdxChartTitleCollectionItem class as a wrapper for a TdxChartTitle object.

Main API Members

The list below outlines key members of the TdxChartTitle class that allow you to define and customize a chart title.

Specifies a title.
Hides or displays the title.
Alignment | Position
Position the title horizontally and vertically.
Provides access to general title appearance settings. WordWrap | MaxLineCount
  • Enable word wrap and set the maximum line count.
    Copies the title and its settings between Chart controls.

Direct TdxChartTitle Class References

The Chart control’s HitTest.Title property references the TdxChartTitle class as a TdxChartVisualElementTitle object if the HitTest.HitCode property returns TdxChartHitCode.ChartTitle.

See Also