TcxCustomCanvas Class
The base class for classes that implement the canvas used in DevExpress VCL controls.
TcxCustomCanvas = class(
This class implements a common API and functionality for graphics API-dependent canvas classes (such as the GDI or Direct2D canvas). These descendant classes implement abstract primitive draw and canvas state management methods introduced in the TcxCustomCanvas class.
This class has the following members that allow you to:
Identify if an application is running in True Color mode (IsLowColorsMode).
Select an appropriate draw quality level for resized images (ImageStretchQuality).
Track the RTL mode state (UseRightToLeftAlignment).
Draw images on the canvas (DrawBitmap and DrawImage).
Draw rectangular outlines (DrawComplexFrame, DrawEdge, FrameRect).
Manage canvas states (SaveState and RestoreState).
Scroll the canvas (WindowOrg and MoveWindowOrg).
Manage the clip region (IntersectClipRect, SaveClipRegion, and RestoreClipRegion).
Identify if a specific rectangle is within the clip region (RectVisible).
Draw filled rectangles (FillRect and FillRectByGradient).
Manage world coordinates transformations for the canvas (SaveWorldTransform, ModifyWorldTransform, and RestoreWorldTransform).
Do not use the TcxCustomCanvas class directly. Use its descendants instead.