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dxChartXYDiagram Unit

This unit implements XY diagram and series classes as well as all related setting classes, except for series Views.


Name Description
TdxChartAxes Stores main axis settings of an XY diagram.
TdxChartAxisAppearance Stores general axis appearance settings.
TdxChartAxisGridlines Stores appearance settings of grid lines associated with an axis.
TdxChartAxisNumericScaleOptions Stores scale settings for a numeric axis.
TdxChartAxisTicks Stores appearance settings of axis tick marks.
TdxChartAxisTitle Stores an axis title and its settings.
TdxChartAxisValueLabelInfo Stores axis value label display information.
TdxChartAxisValueLabels Stores axis value label appearance and behavior settings.
TdxChartAxisValueLabelsAppearance Stores axis value appearance settings.
TdxChartAxisX Stores settings of an axis of arguments in an XY diagram.
TdxChartAxisY Stores settings of an axis of values in an XY diagram.
TdxChartCrosshairAxisLabelAppearance Stores crosshair axis label appearance settings.
TdxChartCrosshairAxisLabels Stores crosshair axis label settings.
TdxChartCustomAxis The base class for axis classes in the Chart control.
TdxChartCustomAxisX The base class for the class that implements an axis of arguments.
TdxChartCustomAxisY The base class for the class that implements an axis of values.
TdxChartCustomSecondaryAxes The base class for secondary axis collection classes.
TdxChartCustomSecondaryAxisCollectionItem The base class for all secondary axis collection members.
TdxChartGetAxisValueLabelDrawParametersEventArgs Stores information related to an OnGetAxisValueLabelDrawParameters event occurrence in an XY diagram.
TdxChartRange Stores axis scale range settings.
TdxChartRangeInfo Stores minimum and maximum visible values on an axis scale.
TdxChartSecondaryAxes Stores and manages secondary axis collections.
TdxChartSecondaryAxisX A secondary axis of arguments.
TdxChartSecondaryAxisXCollection A collection of secondary X-axes in an XY diagram.
TdxChartSecondaryAxisXCollectionItem A secondary axis of arguments in a collection of X-axes.
TdxChartSecondaryAxisY A secondary axis of values.
TdxChartSecondaryAxisYCollection A collection of secondary Y-axes in an XY diagram.
TdxChartSecondaryAxisYCollectionItem A secondary axis of values in a collection of Y-axes.
TdxChartXYDiagram An XY diagram in the Chart control.
TdxChartXYDiagramBeforeZoomEventArgs Stores information related to an OnBeforeZoom event occurrence in an XY diagram.
TdxChartXYDiagramRangesChangeEventArgs The base class for classes that store information related to zoom and scroll notification events in an XY diagram.
TdxChartXYDiagramScrollEventArgs Stores information related to an OnScroll event occurrence in an XY diagram.
TdxChartXYDiagramScrollOptions Stores XY diagram scroll settings.
TdxChartXYDiagramToolTipOptions Stores XY diagram tooltip settings.
TdxChartXYDiagramZoomEventArgs Stores information related to an OnZoom event occurrence in an XY diagram.
TdxChartXYDiagramZoomOptions Stores XY diagram zoom settings.
TdxChartXYSeries A series in an XY diagram.
TdxChartXYSeriesCustomView The base class for all classes that implement XY series View settings.
TdxChartXYSeriesValueLabels Stores XY series value label appearance and behavior settings.


Name Description
TdxChartAxisAlignment Enumerates available axis positions in relation to the area of an XY diagram.
TdxChartAxisTicksCrossKind Enumerates available axis tick mark display modes.
TdxChartAxisTitlePosition Enumerates available axis title positions.
TdxChartAxisValueLabelPosition Enumerates available axis value label positions.
TdxChartSecondaryAxisAlignment Enumerates available secondary axis positions in relation to the area of an XY diagram.


Name Description
TdxChartXYDiagramToolTipMode Enumerates tooltip display modes in an XY series.


Name Description
PdxChartCustomAxis A pointer to a primary or secondary axis instance.
TdxChartAxisCompareStringValuesEvent The procedural type for axis string comparison events.
TdxChartGetAxisValueLabelDrawParametersEvent The procedural type for axis label parameter customization events.
TdxChartXYDiagram.TForEachSeriesProc The procedural type of anonymous procedures that iterate through multiple series in an XY diagram and apply the same changes to them.
TdxChartXYDiagramBeforeZoomEvent The procedural type for zoom operation initiation events in an XY diagram.
TdxChartXYDiagramScrollEvent The procedural type for scroll notification events in an XY diagram.
TdxChartXYDiagramZoomEvent The procedural type for zoom notification events.


The following units implement terminal XY series View classes and related settings:

This unit implements all series Area Views and all related setting classes.
This unit implements all series Bar Views and all related setting classes.
This unit implements all series Line Views and all related setting classes.
See Also