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TdxChartControl Class

A Chart control.


TdxChartControl = class(


The Chart control can display one or more diagrams. Each diagram holds data series and visualizes those series with the help of different View types:

VCL Chart Control: A Chart Control Example with Multiple Diagrams and Series

Available Diagram Types

XY Diagram

Displays series on a two-dimensional surface with argument and value axes (X-axis and Y-axis). An XY diagram can plot Area, Bar, and Line series.

VCL Chart Control: An XY Diagram Example with Area, Bar, and Line Series

Simple Diagram

Displays series as Pie or Doughnut charts.

VCL Chart Control: A Simple Diagram Example with Doughnut Series

Bind to Data

All supported series can work in the following data access modes:

A chart series connects to a dataset and loads all data records into memory.
A chart series is not bound to a dataset. You need to populate series with data points manually.

Main API Members

The list below outlines key class members that allow you to manage diagrams and customize Chart control appearance settings.

Appearance and Behavior

Appearance | LookAndFeel
Provide access to general appearance settings.
Specifies the active bidirectional mode.
Specifies if the skin-dependent border is visible.
Calculates HitTest information for any point within the Chart control client area.
Font | ParentFont
Define font settings at the Chart control level.
HitTest | OnHotTrackElement | OnMouseMove
Allow you to identify the visual Chart element under the mouse pointer and respond to hot-tracking different visual elements.
Provides access to legend pane settings.
Allows you to manage Chart control titles.
Allows you to switch between tooltip display modes at the Chart control level and customize general tooltip settings.
ZoomOptions | ScrollOptions
Provide access to zoom and scroll settings for all XY diagrams in the control.

Diagram Management

AddDiagram<T>(string) | AddDiagram(TdxChartDiagramClass,string)
Create a new diagram.
DiagramCount | VisibleDiagramCount
Return the total number of diagrams and the number of currently visible diagrams.
VisibleDiagrams | Diagrams
Provide access to visible and hidden diagrams by their indexes.


To delete a diagram, release it directly in code (call the Free procedure in Delphi or use the delete keyword in C++Builder).

Data Import and Export

These two overloaded methods save the current state of the Chart control client area as an individual image in any supported format.
ExportToBMP | ExportToEMF | ExportToGIF | ExportToJPEG | ExportToPNG | ExportToSVG | ExportToTIFF | ExportToWMF
Export the current state of the Chart control client area as an individual image in corresponding formats.
ExportToDOCX | ExportToXLSX
Save the current state of the Chart control client area as an inline or floating image container in the resulting DOCX or XLSX document.


The result of all export to image operations depends on the pixel size of the Chart control client area on the current screen.

Refer to individual method descriptions and the following help topic for details: VCL Chart Data Export.

SaveToStream | LoadFromStream
Allow you to store series data from all diagrams in a memory stream. Since these methods work only with series data, you need to create and configure all required diagrams and series to successfully load previously saved data.

General-Purpose API Members

BeginUpdate | EndUpdate | CancelUpdate
Allow you to avoid excessive redraw operations during batch data and appearance changes.
Allows you to respond to any setting or diagram change in the Chart control.

Code Example: Create an XY Diagram with Unbound Series

The following code example creates an XY diagram with three series that use Area, Bar, and Line View types:

  AXYDiagram: TdxChartXYDiagram;
  AXYSeries: TdxChartXYSeries;
  dxChartControl1.BeginUpdate;  // Initiates the following batch change
    AXYDiagram := dxChartControl1.AddDiagram<TdxChartXYDiagram>('DevAV Sales By Region');
    AXYDiagram.Title.Appearance.FontOptions.Size := 20;
    AXYDiagram.Axes.AxisY.Title.Text := 'Millions of Dollars';
    AXYDiagram.Axes.AxisY.Title.Appearance.FontOptions.Size := 16;
    AXYDiagram.Axes.AxisY.ValueLabels.Appearance.FontOptions.Size := 10;
    AXYDiagram.Axes.AxisX.ValueLabels.Appearance.FontOptions.Size := 12;
    AXYSeries := AXYDiagram.AddSeries('2018');
    AXYSeries.DataBindingType := 'Unbound';  // Selects the unbound data access mode
    TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding(AXYSeries.DataBinding).ArgumentField.ValueType := 'string';
    AXYSeries.ViewType := 'Area';  // Selects the Area series View
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Asia', 4.2372);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Australia', 1.7871);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Europe', 3.0884);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('North America', 3.4855);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('South America', 1.6027);
    AXYSeries := AXYDiagram.AddSeries('2019');
    AXYSeries.DataBindingType := 'Unbound';  // Selects the unbound data access mode
    TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding(AXYSeries.DataBinding).ArgumentField.ValueType := 'string';
    AXYSeries.ViewType := 'Line';  // Selects the Line series View
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Asia', 4.7685);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Australia', 1.9576);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Europe', 3.3579);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('North America', 3.7477);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('South America', 1.8237);
    TdxChartXYSeriesLineView(AXYSeries.View).Appearance.StrokeOptions.Width := 3;
    TdxChartXYSeriesLineView(AXYSeries.View).Markers.Kind := TdxChartXYMarkerKind.Circle;
    TdxChartXYSeriesLineView(AXYSeries.View).Markers.Visible := True;
    AXYSeries := AXYDiagram.AddSeries('2020');
    AXYSeries.DataBindingType := 'Unbound';  // Selects the unbound data access mode
    TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding(AXYSeries.DataBinding).ArgumentField.ValueType := 'string';
    AXYSeries.ViewType := 'Bar';  // Selects the Bar series View
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Asia', 5.289);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Australia', 2.2727);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Europe', 3.7257);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('North America', 4.1825);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('South America', 2.1172);
    AXYSeries.Index := 0; // Moves the created bar series to the innermost layer
    dxChartControl1.EndUpdate;  // Calls EndUpdate regardless of the batch operation's success

VCL Chart Control: An XY Diagram Example

Compiled Demo

To see the Chart control in action, run the Chart Control demo in the VCL Demo Center installed with compiled VCL DevExpress demos. Click different items in the sidebar on the left to display different diagram and series types.

Download: Compiled VCL Demos


You can find full source code for the installed compiled Chart control demo in the following folder:

%PUBLIC\Documents\DevExpress VCL Demos\MegaDemos\Product Demos\ExpressChart

See Also