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TdxChartSeriesPointInfo Class

Stores series point information.


TdxChartSeriesPointInfo = class(


The TdxChartSeriesPointInfo class stores information you can use to identify series points in all diagram types in the Chart control.

#Main API Reference

The list below outlines key members of the TdxChartSeriesPointInfo class. These members allow you to obtain information on the currently processed or inspected series point.

Argument | Value
Return the current series point’s argument and value.
ArgumentDisplayText | ValueDisplayText
Return display text for the series point’s argument and value.
Provides access to the parent series.
Returns the point’s index in the parent series.

#Direct TdxChartSeriesPointInfo Class References

The following public API members reference a TdxChartSeriesPointInfo object:

Allows you to identify the series point to which the inspected point belongs.
Allows you to identify the series point to which the inspected value label belongs.
Allows you to identify the currently processed series point.
Provides access to the series point that corresponds to the processed value label.
Provides access to the series point that corresponds to the currently processed pie or doughnut slice.


See Also