TdxChartCustomDiagram Class
The base class for all diagram classes.
TdxChartCustomDiagram = class(
A diagram is a pane designed to display and manage series in the Chart control. The TdxChartCustomDiagram
class implements appearance and behavior settings common to all diagram classes.
#Main API Members
The list below outlines key members of the TdxChartCustomDiagram
class that allow you to configure diagrams and manage series in them.
- Title
- Specifies the diagram title, and its position and appearance.
- SeriesCount | VisibleSeriesCount
- Return the total number of series and the number of visible series in the diagram.
- Series | VisibleSeries
- Provide access to visible and hidden series by their indexes.
- Appearance
- Provides access to diagram appearance settings.
- Index
- Specifies the diagram’s index in the Chart control.
- Visible
- Specifies if the Chart control displays the diagram and its visible series.
- Legend
- Provides access to the diagram’s legend pane settings.
- BeginUpdate | EndUpdate | CancelUpdate
- Allow you to avoid excessive redraw operations during batch data and appearance setting changes.
- DeleteAllSeries
- Deletes all series in the diagram.
- OnGetSeriesPointDrawParameters | OnGetValueLabelDrawParameters
- Allow you to customize individual series points and value labels.
- Assign
- Copies compatible settings between diagrams.
#Direct TdxChartCustomDiagram Class References and Terminal Descendants
A Chart control’s Diagrams and VisibleDiagrams properties reference created diagrams as TdxChartCustomDiagram
objects. Cast them to the following descendants to access all diagram type-specific properties and methods:
- TdxChartXYDiagram
A diagram designed to display series using the axis of arguments (X-axis) and the axis of values (Y-axis). An XY diagram can plot Area, Bar, and Line series.
- TdxChartSimpleDiagram
A diagram intended to plot Pie and Doughnut series.
#Code Example: Create and Populate Two Unbound Bar Series
The following code example creates an XY diagram with two Bar chart series and populates them with data in unbound mode:
uses cxDataStorage; // This unit declares the TcxStringValueType class
// ...
AXYDiagram: TdxChartXYDiagram;
AXYSeries: TdxChartXYSeries;
ADataBinding: TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding;
dxChartControl1.BeginUpdate; // Initiates the following batch change
AXYDiagram := dxChartControl1.AddDiagram<TdxChartXYDiagram>('DevAV Sales by Region');
AXYDiagram.Title.Appearance.FontOptions.Size := 20;
AXYDiagram.Axes.AxisY.Title.Text := 'Millions of Dollars';
AXYSeries := AXYDiagram.AddSeries('2018'); // Creates a new XY series with the caption "2018"
AXYSeries.DataBindingClass := TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding; // Selects the unbound data access mode
ADataBinding := AXYSeries.DataBinding as TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding;
ADataBinding.ArgumentField.ValueTypeClass := TcxStringValueType; // Selects the string data type
AXYSeries.ViewClass := TdxChartXYSeriesBarView; // Selects the Bar series View
AXYSeries.Points.Add('Asia', 4.2372);
AXYSeries.Points.Add('Australia', 1.7871);
AXYSeries.Points.Add('Europe', 3.0884);
AXYSeries.Points.Add('North America', 3.4855);
AXYSeries.Points.Add('South America', 1.6027);
AXYSeries.View.ValueLabels.Visible := True; // Displays value labels on bars
AXYSeries := AXYDiagram.AddSeries('2019'); // Creates a new XY series with the caption "2019"
AXYSeries.DataBindingClass := TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding; // Selects the unbound data access mode
ADataBinding := AXYSeries.DataBinding as TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding;
ADataBinding.ArgumentField.ValueTypeClass := TcxStringValueType; // Selects the string data type
AXYSeries.ViewClass := TdxChartXYSeriesBarView; // Selects the Bar series View
AXYSeries.Points.Add('Asia', 4.7685);
AXYSeries.Points.Add('Australia', 1.9576);
AXYSeries.Points.Add('Europe', 3.3579);
AXYSeries.Points.Add('North America', 3.7477);
AXYSeries.Points.Add('South America', 1.8237);
AXYSeries.View.ValueLabels.Visible := True; // Displays value labels on bars
dxChartControl1.EndUpdate; // Calls EndUpdate regardless of the batch operation's success
#Diagram Deletion
To delete a diagram, release it directly in code (call the Free procedure in Delphi or use the delete
keyword in C++Builder).