TcxCustomProgressBarProperties Properties
Contains properties specific to progress bar controls.Name | Description |
Alignment | Determines the alignment of the editor’s contents. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
AnimationPath | Specifies a bar element’s animation path. |
AnimationRestartDelay | Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) before animation restarts. |
AnimationSpeed | Specifies animation speed for certain progress bar elements. |
AssignedValues protected | |
Automation | Provides access to editor UI Automation and accessibility settings. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
AutoSelect | Determines whether the editor’s contents are automatically selected when the editor receives focus. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
BarBevelOuter | Specifies whether the progress bar is raised, lowered or flat. |
BarStyle | Specifies the progress bar’s paint style. |
BeepOnError | Specifies whether to play the system default sound on a validation error. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
BeginColor | Specifies the color of the progress bar. |
BorderWidth | Specifies the offset between the control’s borders and the progress bar in pixels. |
Buttons | Provides access to the collection of editor buttons. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ButtonsViewStyle protected | Specifies how the editor displays content and embedded buttons. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ClearKey | Specifies the keyboard shortcut to clear the editor entry. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ClickKey | Specifies a key combination to generate the OnButtonClick click event for the default button. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
EndColor | Specifies the ending color of the gradient if gradient filling is used. |
ErrorIcon | Specifies an icon (also called error icon) to be displayed by a standalone editor when it fails validation. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ForegroundImage | Specifies the image used to fill the progress bar. |
Images | Specifies the collection of images used as editor button icons. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ImmediatePost | Indicates whether the edit value should be saved immediately after it has been modified. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
IsChanging | Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
Marquee | Activates marquee mode. |
Max | Specifies the maximum value that can be displayed by the progress bar. |
MaxValue protected | Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
Min | Specifies the minimum value that can be displayed by the progress bar control. |
MinValue protected | Specifies the maximum numeric value the editor can display. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
Orientation | Specifies the orientation of the progress bar within the control. |
OverloadBeginColor | Specifies the color of the overload bar. |
OverloadEndColor | Specifies the ending color of the overload bar if it is filled using a gradient. |
OverloadValue | Specifies the starting position of the overload bar. |
Owner | Provides access to the control or its object to which the persisted settings belong. Inherited from TcxInterfacedPersistent. |
PeakColor | Specifies the color used to fill the peak area. |
PeakSize | Specifies the width of the peak area in pixels. |
PeakValue | Specifies the position of the peak area. |
ReadOnly | Specifies if the editor is in read-only mode. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ShowOverload | Specifies whether an overload bar is displayed. |
ShowPeak | Specifies whether the peak area is displayed. |
ShowText | Specifies whether the progress bar displays a text label. |
ShowTextStyle | Specifies whether the progress bar’s text label displays the current position or the percentage of completion. |
SolidTextColor | Specifies whether the text label is painted using a single color or whether the color depends on its background. |
Text | Specifies the text to be displayed by the progress bar’s label. |
TextOrientation | Specifies the orientation of the text label within the progress bar. |
Transparent | Deprecated. Specifies if the editor background is transparent. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
TransparentImage | Specifies whether to add transparency to the image used to fill the progress bar. |
UseLeftAlignmentOnEditing | Specifies whether to align text to the left in edit mode. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
UseMouseWheel | Specifies whether an editor responds to mouse wheel rotation. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ValidateOnEnter | Specifies whether validation is performed when an end-user presses the Enter key. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ValidationErrorIconAlignment | Specifies the horizontal alignment of an error icon displayed by the editor when it fails validation. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
ValidationOptions | Contains a set of flags that specify how the editor handles and displays its validation errors. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties. |
See Also