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TcxCustomProgressBarProperties.Orientation Property

Specifies the orientation of the progress bar within the control.


property Orientation: TcxProgressBarOrientation read; write; default cxorHorizontal;

Property Value

Type Default
TcxProgressBarOrientation cxorHorizontal


Use the Orientation property to specify whether the progress bar fills the control from right to left or from bottom to top. The table below lists values available for this property:

Value Meaning Samples
cxorHorizontal The progress bar fills the control from left to right.
cxorVertical The progress bar fills the control from bottom to top.

Note that you need to set the AutoSize property of the TcxProgressBar control to False to resize it vertically.

If the ShowText property is set to True, the progress bar displays text indicating the current progress bar position. You can change the orientation of this text using the TextOrientation property. You will most likely want to have the same orientation as for the progress bar itself, otherwise the text may not fit into the control’s client area.

The default value of the Orientation property is pborHorizontal.

See Also