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TcxCustomProgressBarProperties.OverloadEndColor Property

Specifies the ending color of the overload bar if it is filled using a gradient.


property OverloadEndColor: TColor read; write; default clFuchsia;

Property Value

Type Default
TColor clFuchsia


Use the OverloadEndColor property value when the overload bar is displayed and gradient filling of the progress bar is used. This property sets the ending color of the gradient used to fill the overload bar in this case. Please refer to the OverloadBeginColor property description for details.

The table below shows examples of changing the OverloadEndColor property value. Assume that the BarStyle property value is cxbsGradient and the OverloadBeginColor property is set to clWhite.

Value Sample


The overload bar cannot be displayed when the control is painted using the native style. Use the Style.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property to control whether native painting is used.

The default value of the OverloadEndColor property is clFuchsia.

See Also