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TcxCanvas Members

A GDI-based canvas for DevExpress controls.


Name Description
Create(TCanvas) Creates a new wrapper canvas for a specified standard VCL Canvas.


Name Description
BaseOrigin Returns the initial origin of the device context. Inherited from TcxGdiBasedCanvas.
Brush Specifies the active brush of the canvas.
Canvas Provides access to the underlying VCL Canvas.
CopyMode Specifies the active bitmap draw mode.
DCOrigin Returns the current origin of the device context. Inherited from TcxGdiBasedCanvas.
DpiX Returns the number of pixels per logical inch along a horizontal axis.
DpiY Returns the number of pixels per logical inch along a vertical axis.
Font Specifies the active font for the canvas.
Handle Provides access to a handle to the device context of the GDI-based canvas. Inherited from TcxGdiBasedCanvas.
ImageStretchQuality Specifies the image interpolation quality level for draw operations on the canvas. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
IsLowColorsMode Identifies if an application is running in low-color mode. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Pen Specifies the active pen for the canvas.
Pixels Provides access to any pixel within the clip area on the canvas.
TextFlags Specifies if specific GDI text draw modes are active.
UseGDITextCalculation Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
UseRightToLeftAlignment Specifies the alignment for right-to-left mode-dependent content. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
ViewportOrg Specifies the viewport origin for the GDI-based canvas. Inherited from TcxGdiBasedCanvas.
WindowOrg Specifies the position of a window origin for the canvas. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.


Name Description
AlignMultiLineTextRectVertically(TRect,string,TcxAlignmentVert,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean) Adjusts the rectangle rectangle to fit text according to the specified settings.
AngleArc(Integer,Integer,Cardinal,Single,Single) Draws a circular arc on the canvas and updates the pen position.
Arc(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) Draws an elliptically curved line on the canvas.
Arc(TRect,TPoint,TPoint,TdxAlphaColor,Integer,TPenStyle) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Arc(TRect,TPoint,TPoint,TColor,Integer,TPenStyle) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
ArcTo(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) Draws an elliptically curved line on the canvas and updates the pen position.
BeginPath Opens a GDI path bracket for the device context of the underlying canvas.
BrushCopy(TRect,TBitmap,TRect,TColor) Draws a portion of the specified bitmap on the canvas.
Chord(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) Draws an elliptically curved line whose start and end points are connected with a straight line.
CopyRect(TRect,TCanvas,TRect) Draws a portion of a VCL canvas on the current canvas.
Draw(Integer,Integer,TGraphic,Byte) Draws a specified image on the canvas.
DrawBitmap(TdxFastDIB,TdxRectF,TdxRectF,TAlphaFormat,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawBitmap(TdxFastDIB,TdxRectF,TAlphaFormat,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawBitmap(TdxFastDIB,TRect,TRect,TAlphaFormat,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawBitmap(TdxFastDIB,TRect,TAlphaFormat,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawBitmap(TdxGpFastDIB,TdxRectF,TdxRectF,TAlphaFormat,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawBitmap(TdxGpFastDIB,TdxRectF,TAlphaFormat,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawBitmap(TdxGpFastDIB,TRect,TRect,TAlphaFormat,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Draws a specified bitmap on the canvas. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawBitmap(TdxGpFastDIB,TRect,TAlphaFormat,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawBitmap(TBitmap,TRect,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawBitmap(TBitmap,TRect,TRect,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawBitmap(TBitmap,TRect,TRect,TAlphaFormat,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Inherited from TcxGdiBasedCanvas.
DrawBitmap(TBitmap,TRect,TAlphaFormat,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawComplexFrame(TRect,TColor,TColor,TcxBorders,Integer) Draws a two-colored rectangular outline. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawDesignSelection(TRect,Integer) Draws a custom focus rectangle around a UI element.
DrawEdge(TRect,Boolean,Boolean,TcxBorders) Draws edges of a specified rectangle. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawFocusRect(TRect) Draws a focus rectangle around a UI element.
DrawFocusRectEx(TRect,TcxBorders,Boolean) Draws a focus rectangle or any number of its borders.
DrawGlyph(Integer,Integer,TBitmap,Boolean,TColor) Draws a partially transparent glyph on the canvas.
DrawImage(TdxGPImage,TdxRectF,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawImage(TdxGPImage,TRect,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Draws a bitmap stored in a specified image container on a designated canvas area. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
DrawImage(TCustomImageList,Integer,Integer,Integer,Boolean) Draws an image from a specified image list.
DrawRegion(TcxRegionHandle,TColor,TColor,Integer,Integer) Draws a specified region on the canvas.
DrawTexT(string,TRect,TAlignment,TcxAlignmentVert,Boolean,Boolean) Draws formatted text within a specified rectangle on the canvas.
DrawTexT(string,TRect,Integer,Boolean,TcxRotationAngle) Draws formatted text within a specified rectangle on the canvas.
DrawTexT(string,TRect,Integer,Boolean) Draws formatted text within a specified rectangle on the canvas.
Ellipse(TRect,TdxAlphaColor,TdxAlphaColor,TPenStyle,Integer) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Ellipse(TRect,TColor,TColor,TPenStyle,Integer) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Ellipse(TRect) Draws an ellipse or circle on the canvas.
EnableAntialiasing(Boolean) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
ExcludeClipRect(TRect) Shrinks the clip region down to the difference between it and a specified rectangle. Inherited from TcxGdiBasedCanvas.
ExcludeFrameRect(TRect,Integer,TcxBorders) Excludes a specified frame or any number of its borders from the clip region.
FillPixel(Integer,Integer,TColor) Inherited from TcxGdiBasedCanvas.
FillPolygon(TdxPointF[],TcxCanvasBasedBrush) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
FillPolygon(TPoint[],TdxAlphaColor) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
FillPolygon(TPoint[],TColor) Draws a polygon filled with a designated color. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
FillRect(TdxRectF,TdxAlphaColor) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
FillRect(TRect,TcxViewParams,Boolean) Draws a filled rectangle.
FillRect(TRect,TdxAlphaColor) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
FillRect(TRect,TdxGPImage,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Draws a filled rectangle. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
FillRect(TRect,TColor,Byte) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
FillRect(TRect,TColor) Inherited from TcxGdiBasedCanvas.
FillRectByGradient(TRect,TdxAlphaColor,TdxAlphaColor,TdxGpLinearGradientMode) Draws a rectangle filled with a linear gradient. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
FillRectByGradient(TRect,TColor,TColor,Boolean) Inherited from TcxGdiBasedCanvas.
FillRegion(TcxRegionHandle,TColor) Fills a specified region with a solid color.
FlipHorizontally(TBitmap) Flips a specified bitmap horizontally.
FloodFill(Integer,Integer,TColor,TFillStyle) Fills a closed polygon with the active brush.
FocusRectangle(TRect) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
FontHeight(TFont) Returns the height of a string rendered in the current font in pixels.
FrameRect(TdxRectF,TdxAlphaColor,Single,TcxBorders) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
FrameRect(TRect,TdxAlphaColor,Integer,TcxBorders) Draws a rectangular outline. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
FrameRect(TRect,TColor,Integer,TcxBorders) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
FrameRect(TRect,TColor,Integer,TcxBorders,Boolean) Draws a border around a rectangle.
FrameRegion(TcxRegionHandle,TColor,Integer,Integer) Draws an outline of the specified region on the canvas.
GetClipRegion(Boolean) Copies the clip region.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetParams(TcxViewParams) Copies the canvas draw settings.
GetTextStringsBounds(string,TRect,Integer,Boolean,TRects) Returns bounding rectangles for text that fits into the target rectangle at the specified settings.
HandleAllocated Identifies if the canvas has a handle to a device context.
IntersectClipRect(TdxRectF) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
IntersectClipRect(TRect) Shrinks the clip region down to its intersection with a specified rectangle. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
InvertFrame(TRect,Integer) Inverts colors within a rectangular outline on the canvas.
InvertRect(TRect) Inverts colors within a specified rectangle on the canvas.
Line(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) Draws a single straight line between two points on the canvas.
Line(TPoint,TPoint,TdxAlphaColor,Integer,TPenStyle) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Line(TPoint,TPoint,TColor,Integer,TPenStyle) Draws a single straight line on the canvas. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
LineTo(Integer,Integer) Draws a single straight line between the current pen position and a specified point on the canvas.
Lock Forbids other threads to draw on the canvas until an Unlock procedure call.
ModifyWorldTransform(TXForm) Changes the current world space to page space transformation. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
MoveTo(Integer,Integer) Moves the current pen position to a specified point on the canvas.
MoveWindowOrg(TPoint) Shifts the window origin horizontally and/or vertically. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
PathToRegion(Boolean) Converts the selected GDI path into a region.
Pie(TRect,Integer,Integer) Draws a sector of a circle or ellipse on the canvas.
PolyBezier(TPoint[]) Draws a series of interconnected Bezier curves on the canvas.
PolyBezierTo(TPoint[]) Draws a series of interconnected Bezier curves on the canvas and updates the pen position.
Polygon(PdxPointF,Integer,TcxCanvasBasedBrush,TcxCanvasBasedPen) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Polygon(TdxPointF[],TcxCanvasBasedBrush,TcxCanvasBasedPen) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Polygon(TPoint[],TdxAlphaColor,TdxAlphaColor) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Polygon(TPoint[],TColor,TColor) Draws a polygon on the canvas. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Polygon(TPoint[]) Draws a polygon on the canvas.
Polyline(TPoint[],TdxAlphaColor,Integer,TPenStyle) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Polyline(TPoint[],TColor,Integer,TPenStyle) Draws a polyline on the canvas. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Polyline(TPoint[]) Draws a polyline on the canvas.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) protected Provides access to the implementation of the specified interface if the current object supports it. Inherited from TcxIUnknownObject.
Rectangle(TRect,TcxViewParams,TcxBorders,TColor,Integer,Boolean) Draws a rectangle on the canvas.
Rectangle(TRect,TdxAlphaColor,TdxAlphaColor,TPenStyle,Integer) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Rectangle(TRect,TColor,TColor,TPenStyle,Integer) Draws a rectangle on the canvas. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
RectFullyVisible(TRect) Identifies if the specified rectangle fits into the clip region.
RectVisible(TdxRectF) Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
RectVisible(TRect) Identifies if a specified rectangle is treated as visible. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
Refresh Restores the default settings of the device context.
RestoreAntialiasing Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
RestoreClipRegion Restores the last saved clip region state. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
RestoreDC Restores the last saved device context.
RestoreState Restores the last saved canvas state. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
RestoreWorldTransform Applies the last saved world space to page space transformation to the canvas. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
RotateBitmap(TBitmap,TcxRotationAngle,Boolean) Rotates or flips a specified bitmap.
RoundRect(TRect,Integer,Integer) Draws a rectangle with rounded corners.
SaveClipRegion Saves the current clip region state. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
SaveDC Saves the current device context.
SaveState Saves the current canvas state. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
SaveWorldTransform Saves the world space to page space transformation applied to the canvas. Inherited from TcxCustomCanvas.
SetBrushColor(TColor) Updates the brush fill color.
SetClipRegion(TcxRegion,TcxRegionOperation,Boolean,Boolean) Defines or changes the clip region for the canvas.
SetFontAngle(Integer) Changes the text rotation angle (in degrees) for the active canvas font settings.
SetParams(TcxViewParams) Updates the canvas brush and font settings from a specified source.
StretchDraw(TRect,TGraphic) Draws a specified image on a designated canvas area.
TextExtent(string,TRect,Integer) Returns the dimensions of a text string at the canvas font settings.
TextHeight(string) Returns the height of a specified string, in pixels.
TextOut(Integer,Integer,string) Draws a text string at the specified position on the canvas.
TextWidth(string) Returns the width of a specified string, in pixels.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
TransparentDraw(Integer,Integer,TBitmap,Byte,TBitmap) Blends two bitmaps according to the specified alpha and draws the resulting image on the canvas.
Unlock Allows other threads to draw on the canvas after a Lock procedure call.
WidenPath Updates the selected GDI path according to the active pen settings.
See Also